Trump on CNN townhall next week... here are questions he should be asked



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
1) will you pardon the people convicted of crimes for 1/6?

2) who won the 2020 presidential election?

3) will you maintain the current support we have for Ukraine against Russian aggression?

4) will you vow to prevent any cuts to Medicare or Social Security?

5) will you release your last 10 years of tax returns?

For starters.
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1) what’s your favorite ice cream?

2) why aren’t food, gas, etc factored into inflation?

3) with record illegal immigration how can you’re idiot token say there’s a 90% reduction

4) is it better to keep classified documents in the garage?

5) what’s your cut of the money going to Ukraine?
1) will you pardon the people convicted of crimes for 1/6?

2) who won the 2020 presidential election?

3) will you maintain the current support we have for Ukraine against Russian aggression?

4) will you vow to prevent any cuts to Medicare or Social Security?

5) will you release your last 10 years of tax returns?

For starters.
I only have questions for Trump
1) will you follow Reagan’s 11th commandment and not speak ill of a fellow Republican
2) if you do not secure the Republican nomination in 2024, will you unreservedly support the party‘s nominee and forego any independent run?
I'll bet he won't turn his back on even the CNN toads and walk out after two questions, like the current potato.
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