We're talking young highschool athletes here, not SEC football. For the record, I do believe in playing with what you brought, and you do your best. On the flip side however is a very demoralizing and injury prone atmosphere in such ridiculous blowouts. Especially, if a small school has played up, knowing they are giving you batting practice. In high school, there is a huge physical and depth difference between the class divisions. Not so much between the top 2 classes as the bottom 3. Although I am in favor of playing the game outright in most respects, as a coach should know better if he can play up w/o a beating, but I'm not in favor of risking young kids to severe injury. I've played in blowout hardball games on both sides, and the awareness level diminishes greatly for the underdog, and the others keep going for blood. Although that is sports, sometimes there needs to be a line available to draw. That is why I would vote, as expressed earlier, for a modified optional version settled on in consultation between hte refs and coaches, with head ref having final call.