TUF Live : Cruz vs Faber



What's it gonna cost?
Mar 11, 2009
Anybody else keeping up with this season?

Sweet upset to start the season off. Can't believe nobody would volunteer to fight Cruz's #1 pick.
I've DVR'ed the first 2 episodes, but haven't got around to watching them yet. Cruz is a b**** with pillow fists, though.
I've DVR'ed the first 2 episodes, but haven't got around to watching them yet. Cruz is a b**** with pillow fists, though.

He's actually earned a lot of respect from in the first couple episodes. I like Faber, but Faber tried to start something over some weak **** and Cruz wouldn't even get into it with him.
This is the one part of UFC I need to get involved with. I always try and then just get off track. Usually a lot of PPV's(watch them all) and now we have Fox, FX and Fuel. I also keep up with a ton of TV shows and other sports as well. I really need to get into TUF.
Fyi, I'm back and forth on Faber. He has fun fights and seems respectable after his fights but he annoys me leading up to them. I guess it's better to be that way and sell tickets as long as you seem cool afterwards. Some fighters are pricks before and pricks after.

It's whatever. He's cool but he's not cool. Idk
Well Urijah is my all-time favorite. Watching his fights on free tv on what used to be Versus is what got me to be an MMA fan. If not for him, I might not have ever became a fan. So maybe my opinion is a little skewed. But I still loathe Cruz for the way he fights. I could still argue that Urijah won their fight last Summer.
Well Urijah is my all-time favorite. Watching his fights on free tv on what used to be Versus is what got me to be an MMA fan. If not for him, I might not have ever became a fan. So maybe my opinion is a little skewed. But I still loathe Cruz for the way he fights. I could still argue that Urijah won their fight last Summer.

That makes me like Faber a little more. You're a cool poster and I like that you're into the sport. I think I only really got into UFC like 3 years ago, so I've always felt like I know less about it. I still do at times. I've never felt as confident in my opinion as I do other sports that I've watched for a decade+. I just enjoy watching it though and feel like I'm trying to catch up. I'm glad he brought you into the sport because you seem to genuinely enjoy it and have respectable opinions.
This is the one part of UFC I need to get involved with. I always try and then just get off track. Usually a lot of PPV's(watch them all) and now we have Fox, FX and Fuel. I also keep up with a ton of TV shows and other sports as well. I really need to get into TUF.

It made me a much bigger fan of the sport. Granted, I watched the first season, so the sport was still fairly new. And when the season ended with that epic Griffin/Bonner fight, everybody who watched TUF became a big UFC fan.
I haven't missed a season of TUF and it is really the only show I have ever watched.
Here are a couple of thoughts from this season so far:
Cruz-don't like his fighting style but he's a tough SOB and when you are as quick as he is, you have to be that way.
Faber-I like him, I think he's being directed to start up crap because he looks so uncomfortable doing it.
Their rubber match is going to be good, I'll root for Faber, but I'll mostly be rooting for a great fight.

The first live TUF fighting format is nice, you get a weekly fight and both have been pretty good, two legitimate knockouts in two weeks.

My issue with this season is the poor production factor. The first show could have been one of the best events in their history and it sucked. The fights were good although the 1 round format forced the ref to step in too early about 3 times.

I have to say the tape thong over Faber's butt chin was a stroke of genius!
Marcello v Lawrence was a good fight technically, but damage-wise, I didn't feel like there was much of anything going on until the knockout. I was disappointed in Marcello's ability to stand and bang. He dropped his hands way too much, which is why he got knocked out*, and his corner constantly had to tell him to tuck his chin.

*He was dropping his hands to do what looked like a body kick. No reason to have both hands at waist level.
The clock they have this year for the countdown to the fight is a nice touch. That way I can skip the reality tv part of it. Still waiting for them to eliminate that garbage from the show. I just don't see how hard it would be for them to find something else to substitute it with.
The clock they have this year for the countdown to the fight is a nice touch. That way I can skip the reality tv part of it. Still waiting for them to eliminate that garbage from the show. I just don't see how hard it would be for them to find something else to substitute it with.

I like getting to know the fighters. I don't care for the drama, the drinking, and the pranks. But I like hearing their back stories, seeing how they train, etc.
agree with baker, i could care less about the drinking/partying etc. BUT, you have to fill an hour.

My question about Marcello is, if he's such a damn good Brazilian JJ guy, then why not actually use it? That fight NEVER made it to the ground.
agree with baker, i could care less about the drinking/partying etc. BUT, you have to fill an hour.

My question about Marcello is, if he's such a damn good Brazilian JJ guy, then why not actually use it? That fight NEVER made it to the ground.

With hardly an attempt to take it there.
I think Marcello thought he could catch him off guard by trying to stand up with him. Obviously that did not work...

I hate to admit that I actually like Cruz a lot more after watching the first few episodes of this season. Faber just seems like a little punk.
Faber just seems like a little punk.

I've always thought that too.

After seeing the way he conducted him after his last fight, I want to believe his schtick is just for show. He seemed like a good spot after losing and hugging etc. But prior, he rubs me the wrong way. Might just be for show though.
I hate to admit that I actually like Cruz a lot more after watching the first few episodes of this season. Faber just seems like a little punk.

Yeah. I love MMA fighters who fight like Floyd Maywether, where they just jab and back out. Those guys are the best! Get real.
Yeah. I love MMA fighters who fight like Floyd Maywether, where they just jab and back out. Those guys are the best! Get real.

I agree...it's not the most fun style. I can still respect guys like Diaz and GSP, even if they dominate in boring fashion. If they were jackasses like Mayweather, I'd hate them, but as is I'm pretty much indifferent.

Good fight last week. Really like Proctor, and was glad to see Tickle lose so he'll be less of a focal point in the show. He bugs the hell out of me.
The d-bag in Cruz totally came out last week. I don't like Tickle, but he didn't deserve to get chewed out like that after a tough loss.
The d-bag in Cruz totally came out last week. I don't like Tickle, but he didn't deserve to get chewed out like that after a tough loss.

I've been saying it for a while, man. Dude is a *****, and he fights like a *****. If Urijah doesn't beat him, I will be devastated.
I put it in the UFC thread, and figured I'd put it in this thread, also. Cruz tore his ACL, and won't be fighting at 148 in July. Hasn't been announced what will happen with Urijah and the possibility of an interim title.
I put it in the UFC thread, and figured I'd put it in this thread, also. Cruz tore his ACL, and won't be fighting at 148 in July. Hasn't been announced what will happen with Urijah and the possibility of an interim title.

Sucks. Did he tear it losing the obstacle/gun course?

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