Turkish doctor arrested for organ trafficing in Kosovo.

The official gsvol list of groups, religions, or nationalities to hate grows by one.
Seems like the governments of Kosovo and Turkey did their jobs by stopping it. That's no small feat for Kosovo, who has a laundry list of issues these days.
Seems like the governments of Kosovo and Turkey did their jobs by stopping it. That's no small feat for Kosovo, who has a laundry list of issues these days.

Yeah right, where were you when the Albanians were selling Serbian body parts?
Criminal Kosovo: America?s Gift to Europe | NSPM in English


The report by Swiss liberal Dick Marty was mandated two years ago by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). Not to be confused with the European Union, the Council of Europe was founded in 1949 to promote human rights, the rule of law and democracy and has 47 member states (compared to 27 in the EU).

Of course it doesn’t. It can’t. It is a report, not a trial. The report was mandated by the PACE precisely because judicial authorities were ignoring evidence of serious crimes. In her 2008 memoir in Italian La caccia. Io e i criminali di guerra (The Hunt. Me and the War Criminals), the former prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague, Carla del Ponte, complained that she had been prevented from carrying out a thorough investigation of reports of organ extraction from Serb and other prisoners carried out by the “Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)” in Albania. Indeed, rumors and reports of those atrocities, carried out in the months following the occupation of Kosovo by NATO-led occupation forces, have been studiously ignored by all relevant judicial authorities.

No doubt the sponsors of the Tribunal she was working for, which was set up by and for the United States and NATO allies in order to justify their choice of sides in the Yugoslav civil wars, would have called a halt before she could stray from her assigned path to stick her nose into crimes committed by America’s Albanian protégés.

However, the Marty report goes beyond vague rumors to make specific allegations against the KLA’s “Drenica group” led by Hashim Thaci. Despite refusal of Albanian authorities to cooperate, there is ample proof that the KLA operated a chain of “safe houses” on Albanian territory during and after the 1999 NATO war against Serbia, using them to hold, interrogate, torture and sometimes murder prisoners.

“There are substantial elements of proof that a small number of KLA captives, including some of the abducted ethnic Serbs, met their death in Rripe, at or in the vicinity of the K. house. We have learned about these deaths not only through the testimonies of former KLA soldiers who said they had participated in detaining and transporting the captives while they were alive, but also through the testimonies of persons who independently witnessed the burial, disinterment, movement and reburial of the captives’ corpses ...."

Captives described in the report as “victims of organised crime” included “persons whom we found were taken into central Albania to be murdered immediately before having their kidneys removed in a makeshift operating clinic” (paragraph 156).

“The testimonies on which we based our findings spoke credibly and consistently of a methodology by which all of the captives were killed, usually by a gunshot to the head, before being operated on to remove one or more of their organs. We learned that this was principally a trade in ‘cadaver kidneys’, i.e. the kidneys were extracted posthumously; it was not a set of advanced surgical procedures requiring controlled clinical conditions and, for example, the extensive use of anaesthetic” (paragraph 162).

The Marty report also recalls what is common knowledge in Europe, namely that Hashim Thaci and his “Drenica Group” are notorious criminals. While “liberated” Kosovo sinks ever further into poverty, they have amassed fortunes in various aspects of illicit trade, notably enslaving women for prostitution and controlling illegal narcotics across Europe.

“Notably, in confidential reports spanning more than a decade, agencies dedicated to combating drug smuggling in at least five countries have named Hashim Thaci and other members of his “Drenica Group” as having exerted violent control over the trade in heroin and other narcotics” (paragraph 66).

“Similarly, intelligence analysts working for NATO, as well as those in the service of at least four independent foreign Governments, made compelling findings through their intelligence-gathering related to the immediate aftermath of the conflict in 1999. Thaci was commonly identified, and cited in secret intelligence reports, as the most dangerous of the KLA’s ‘criminal bosses’” (paragraph 67).

The leftists who fell hook, line and sinker for the “war to rescue the Kosovars from genocide” propaganda that justified NATO’s debut as aggressive bomber/invader in 1999 readily accepted the identification of the “Kosovo Liberation Army” as a national liberation movement deserving their support. Isn’t it part of romantic legend for revolutionaries to rob banks for their cause? Leftists assume such criminal activities are merely a means to the end of political independence. But what if political independence is in reality the means to sanctuarize criminal activities?

Assassinating policemen, the KLA specialty prior to being given Kosovo by NATO, is an ambiguous activity. Is the target “political oppression”, as claimed, or simply law enforcement?

What have Thaci and company done with their “liberation”? First of all, they allowed their American sponsors to build a huge military base, Camp Bondsteel, on Kosovo territory, without asking permission from anyone. Then, behind a smokescreen of talk of building democracy, they have terrorized ethnic minorities, eliminated their political rivals, fostered rampant crime and corruption, engaged in electoral fraud, and ostentatiously enriched themselves thanks to the criminal activities that constitute the real economy.

In short, NATO drove out the existing police, turning the province of Kosovo over to violent gangsters. But this was not an accident. Hashim Thaci was not just a gangster who took advantage of the situation. He had been hand-picked by U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and her right-hand man, James Rubin, for the job.

Until February 1999, Hashim Thaci’s only claim to fame was in Serbian police records, where he was wanted for various violent crimes. Then suddenly, at a French chateau called Rambouillet, he was thrust into the world spotlight by his American handlers. It is one of the most bizarre twists to the whole tragi-comic Kosovo saga.

Ms Albright was eager to use the ethnic conflict in Kosovo to make a display of U.S. military might by bombing the Serbs, in order to reassert U.S. dominance of Europe via NATO. But some European NATO country leaders thought it politically necessary to make at least a pretense of seeking a negotiated solution to the Kosovo problem before bombing. And so a fake “negotiation” was staged at Rambouillet, designed by the United States to get the Serbs to say no to an impossible ultimatum, in order to claim that the humanitarian West had no choice but to bomb.

The Marty Report itself concludes with a clear call on EULEX to “to persevere with its investigative work, without taking any account of the offices held by possible suspects or of the origin of the victims, doing everything to cast light on the criminal disappearances, the indications of organ trafficking, corruption and the collusion so often complained of between organized criminal groups and political circles” and “to take every measure necessary to ensure effective protection for witnesses and to gain their trust”.

EULEX is already prosecuting an organ trafficking ring in Kosovo. In November 2008, a young Turkish man who had just had a kidney removed collapsed at Pristina airport, which led police to raid the nearby Medicus clinic where a 74-year-old Israeli was convalescing from implantation of the young man’s kidney. The Israeli had allegedly paid 90,000 euros for the illegal implant, while the young Turk, like other desperately poor foreigners lured to Pristina by false promises, was cheated of the money promised. The trial is currently underway in Pristina of seven defendants charged with involvement in the illegal Medicus organ trafficking racket, including top members of the Kosovo Albanian medical profession. Still at large are Dr. Yusuf Sonmez, a notorious international organ trafficker, and Moshe Harel, an Israeli of Turkish origin accused of organizing the illicit international organ trade. Israel is known to be a prime market for organs because of Jewish religious restrictions that severely limit the number of Israeli donors.

The Marty Report notes that the information it has obtained “appears to depict a broader, more complex organized criminal conspiracy to source human organs for illicit transplant, involving co-conspirators in at least three different foreign countries besides Kosovo, enduring over more than a decade.

Still, EULEX has indicted two former KLA commanders for war crimes committed on Albanian territory in 1999 when they allegedly tortured prisoners, ethnic Albanians from Kosovo either suspected of “collaborating” with legal Serb authorities or because they were political opponents of the KLA.

“The reality is that the most significant operational activities undertaken by members of the KLA – prior to, during, and in the immediate aftermath of the conflict – took place on the territory of Albania, where the Serb security forces were never deployed” (paragraph 36).

Thus, to a very large extent, the Serbian province of Kosovo was the object of a foreign invasion from across its border, by Albanian nationalists keen on creating “Greater Albania”, and aided in this endeavor by diaspora lobbies and, decisively, NATO bombing. Far from being an “aggressor” in its own historic province, Serbia was the victim of a major two-pronged foreign invasion.

And crucially, before the NATO bombing, the KLA pursued a strategy of provocation, murdering policemen and civilians, including disobedient Albanians, designed to commit acts of repression that could be used as a pretext for NATO intervention. Thaci even boasted subsequently of the success of this strategy.

Thaci has played the role assigned to him by the empire. Still, considering the history of American disposal of collaborators who have outlived their usefulness (Ngo Dinh Diem, Noriega, Saddam Hussein…), he has reasons to be uneasy.

Diana Johnstone is author of Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions.
What's your point?

Well one point might be that we would be better off if we had a greater knowledge of real history vs media propaganda.


General Mihailovich was executed by the communists in Belgrade, Serbia on July 17, 1946 after one of the phoniest trials in the history of mankind and officially declared "persona non grata" based on the manufactured conviction that he was a "Nazi collaborator".

Had the Nazis been allowed to testify at this trial, and that includes Adolf Hitler himself had he been present, they would have explained to the communists that Mihailovich was the enemy and remained the enemy for the duration of the war. And they would have had no reason whatsoever to lie.

On the other hand, the Yugoslav communists, Tito's partisans, had every reason to lie.

One year after Moscow had launched its campaign of character assassination against Mihailovic, the bulk of the Allied press was parroting Radio Free Yugoslavia's treatment of Mihailovic. It had downgraded him to the status of a collaborator and was singing paeans to the martial virtues of the Communist side in the Yugoslav civil war. For all practical purposes, by October 1943, Tito had become the monopolistic beneficiary of the greatly augmented allied support that had become logistically possible after the collapse of Italy.

This switch in Allied policy is one of the great mysteries of World War II - all the more so because some thirty-odd British officers and seven American officers who were attached to the Mihailovic forces for quite long periods of time are convinced that a grave injustice was done, and that much of the intelligence that led to the switch was false or exaggerated.

BTW, the third largest nazi concentration camp used for mass murder was in Yugoslavia and Tito kept that open for six years after the war and the largest nutims were the Serbians.
God-fearing Catholics of Mexico harvest body parts, FYI.

Really??? And do they collect them from Orthodox
Christian prisoners after shooting them in the head??

If your world vission is anything like your eyesight
then your eye glass lenses must look like the bottoms
of coke bottles.


Bosnian moslem fighters during their Jihad which was blessed by President Bill Clinton

Bosnia: the myths of peaceful Islam and the hidden Islamic jihad Lee Jay Walker

John R. Schindler stated in his book called Unholy Terror that “The most hated aspect of Ottoman rule in Bosnia, and the one whose memory lingers most sharply even today, was the practice of devshirme, the blood tax imposed on Christians. For three centuries beginning with the conquest of Bosnia, the Ottomans annually levied male children as tribute; every year, up to one-fifth of Christian boys in Bosnia – usually aged fourteen to twenty, but some were younger – were forcibly taken from their families in contingents of a thousand and shipped to the imperial court at Istanbul to become warrior-slaves in the janissaries, the Sultan’s elite guard. They were converted to Islam….” Page 23 – Unholy Terror

John R. Schindler states that “Despite strong local support, Himmler’s Bosnian division ultimately did little to help the Nazi cause or defend the Bosnian Muslims…….the 13th Division’s actual combat record was slight, while its depredations against unarmed Serbs were impressive; the Muslim troops spent more time killing and looting than actually fighting…….the 13th Division ended the war ingloriously, plagued by war crimes and desertion.” Page 36 – Unholy Terror

During our journey toward the hill of Javor, near Srebrenica and Ozren, all the Serbian villages which we came across were wholly massacred. In the villages between Vlasenica and Kladanj we discovered children who had been impaled upon stakes, their small limbs still distorted by pain, resembling insects stuck through by pins.

The above quote is from:
"Assassins au nom de Dieu"
Author: Herve Lauriere
Paris, 1951, page 58

Again in the 1990s the moslem jihadists were slaughtering Christian civilians in the region of Srbrenica,
the jihadists were from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Chechnia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon among other places.

Their number was about 8,000 strong and when the Serbian Army proceeded into the area they retreated as eye witness reported but in the international press they claimed the Serbians of genocide.

Funny thing was that some 3,000 later took the fundamentalist moslem government's offer of citizenship and later were recorded as voting in elections, the other 5,000 went on to continue their jihad in Kosovo.

Not one body of that so-called Serbian genocide has so far been produced, namely because the cowards ran rather than fight against armed men.

Vojin Joksimovich in his book called Kosovo is Serbia states that “Tudjman preferred Milosevic to Bosnian Muslims and their leader Alija Izetbegovic, whom he detested and described him as an Islamic fundamentalist with ambition to create an Islamic state in Europe. Needless to say, Washington and the Germans, as appeasers of radical Islam, did not allow Tudjman and Milosevic to proceed with their plan which would have avoided the war and associated sufferings.” Page 106 – Kosovo is Serbia

Vojin Joksimovich also states that “During the war in Bosnia, Milosevic supported every single peace proposal for termination of the war, starting with the Vance-Owen plan in 1993 in contrast to President Clinton who undermined four peace proposals and thus extended the bloody conflict in an attempt to deliver victory to the Bosnian Muslims. Milosevic fired Milan Babic, Republic of Serbian Krajina president, for rejecting the Vance Plan for autonomy of Krajina which Milosevic considered acceptable.” Page 107 – Kosovo is Serbia

Therefore, we have a whitewash of past history and how the Serbian Orthodox Christians suffered during the Ottoman Empire. This applies to the brutality of the devshirme system, dhimmitude, pogroms, and the enslavement of Christians. The reality of history is being reduced in order to meet current political trends and this collective amnesia also applies to the Muslims supporting both Croatian fascists and the Nazi Party during World War Two.

“Most disturbingly, with the seminal attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington several individuals, including fundraisers, planners, and actual hijackers were associated with the Bosnian jihad. In addition, a tight-lipped CIA source also told the Washington Times on September 18, 2001 that there was a definite connection between the 9/11 plotters and Albania-based Islamic terrorists. Finally, a group of Albanian-American imams who had gleefully predicted the attacks the month before, and who had links with Kosovo Albanian organized crime structures, were briefly detained in Kosovo by UN police; however, they were inexplicably released. In November, 2007, it was revealed that some of the 9/11 hijackers had also been trained in Turkey, which despite being a secular Islamic state had also long been a two-way conveyor belt for international mujahedin and fundraisers active in both the Bosnian and Chechen jihads.”

There is a lot more information in the above link for intrested people, not for a mindless baffoon like you though dullatile.

El-Mujahid fighters in Bosnia and other Islamists enjoyed torturing Christian captives and beheading them and then sending these images to the internet. Just like Islamists have done after capturing Americans and other nationals in Iraq and other parts of the world.

Srebrenica Massacre Photo Story!! - Kaskus - The Largest Indonesian Community

Ten times the evidence of atrocities than the liars at the NY Slimes or AP (Arab Press) ever produced.


The decapitated head of Bosnian Serb farmer Pero Makic, who was executed by Bosnian Muslim/Croat forces in the northeastern Bosnian city of Brcko on June 22, 1992. His head was placed on a pitch-fork and a cigarette was placed in his mouth.
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We can post decapitated heads on here now? Wild.

And yes, the Mexican criminals that harvest organs do kill Christians to do so.
We can post decapitated heads on here now? Wild.

And yes, the Mexican criminals that harvest organs do kill Christians to do so.

There is quite a difference between saying "God-fearing Catholics of Mexico harvest organs" and saying "Mexican criminals that harvest organs do kill Christians to do so."

That was what the thread was about to begin with, moslems harvesting the organs of captured Christians.

BTW, do you think the current wave of terrorist beheadings in Mexico has the least to do with moslem drug trafficer influx into Mexico??

Now where is your evidence that Mexican criminal in fact do harvest organs??
Im a fan of open airing of opinions, theories, and the like, but a gs ban might actually make the politics forum a place for discussion again.
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Because the Bosnian Muslims were organ harvesters from the start.

See the wicked Muslim kids and hear them tell you about their fathers and Srebenica you inbred hick.
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Because the Bosnian Muslims were organ harvesters from the start.

See the wicked Muslim kids and hear them tell you about their fathers and Srebenica you inbred hick.
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Inbred hick???

And you propose banning me would elevate the discussion??


Actually it was/is the criminal KLA operating primarily in Kosovo and Albania that was responsible for the harvesting of human organs from Serbian prisoners and not the moslems of Bosnia.

So do you have any quotes from the youths of Srebrenica??

You shouldn't be saying sh!t you can't back up.
Because the Bosnian Muslims were organ harvesters from the start.

See the wicked Muslim kids and hear them tell you about their fathers and Srebenica you inbred hick.
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The Neo-Nazi/Islam Alliance Redux - Atlas Shrugs

"Most dramatically we have Adolf Hitler saying eight days before invading Poland in 1939, 'Who today, after all, speaks of the annihilation of the Armenians?' Hitler was inspired by the Armenian extermination. You know, it made him think, 'Well, sure you know, you can get rid of a hated minority group and if you're powerful and your side wins, that event will never get recorded,'" Balakian explained.

In 1943, the Mufti traveled to Bosnia, where he helped to raise a Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS Hanjar, who slaughtered 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia…Other Bosnian Muslim units raised by the Mufti were sent to Croatia and Hungary, where they participated in the killing of Jews.
Demographic development of Kosovo.
1871 - Serbs: 64% Albanians: 32%
1930 - Serbs: 58% Albanians: 37%
1948 - Serbs: 24% Albanians: 65%
1971 - Serbs: 18% Albanians: 74%
1995 - Serbs: 07% Albanians: 90%
2008 - Serbs: 05% Albanians: 92%
2010 - Serbs: 02% Albanians: 97%

Given the actual facts it's pretty hard to sell the idea that the Serbians have been indulging in ethnic clensing in Kosovo is it not???

Direct me to to any meaningful post you have ever made to this or any other Volnation board!

I await on baited breath.

Crazyguy is a good and thoughtful poster. Your reaction to his post only illustrates the point they were making.

I'd hate to see you get banned, but I know what they mean.
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Crazyguy is a good and thoughtful poster. Your reaction to his post only illustrates the point they were making.

I'd hate to see you get banned, but I know what they mean.
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Some people are better at taking a joke than others. :)

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