Turning Point USA Issues Cease And Desist to ABC News Over ‘Defamatory Statements’ on ‘The View’


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
Turning Point USA objects to comments made by Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg

EXCLUSIVE -- Turning Point USA issued a scathing cease and desist letter to ABC News on Tuesday, calling for the Disney-owned company to "retract the defamatory statements" made earlier this week on "The View" or face legal action.

"The false statements of fact intentionally made during The View’s July 25th segment were unquestionably harmful to TPUSA’s reputation and brought the organization and its student affiliates into disrepute with the public, potential donors, and current and future business partners, posing a significant financial loss to the organization," the letter said.

Fox News Digital has obtained the letter, addressed to ABC News New York bureau chief Joshua Hoyos and ABC assistant chief counsel Ian Rosenberg, which accuses "The View" of making "false, derogatory, and defamatory statements" about its recent Student Action Summit.


J"The View" co-host Joy Behar declared that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis "did nothing" when neo-Nazi protestors were outside a Turning Point USA event the governor spoke at. (Screenshot/ABC/TheView)

On Monday, the daytime gabfest kicked off its program discussing the TPUSA Student Action Summit that occurred last weekend in Tampa, Florida. "The View" co-hosts mocked the elaborate event for taking "a page from the WWE" simply because of special effects, inaccurately portrayed the group as being officially tied to the GOP and Joy Behar criticized the group because neo-Nazi protestors were outside the venue.

On Monday, the daytime gabfest kicked off its program discussing the TPUSA Student Action Summit that occurred last weekend in Tampa, Florida. "The View" co-hosts mocked the elaborate event for taking "a page from the WWE" simply because of special effects, inaccurately portrayed the group as being officially tied to the GOP and Joy Behar criticized the group because neo-Nazi protestors were outside the venue.

"Neo-Nazis were out there in the front of the conference with anti-Semitic slurs and, you know, the Nazi swastika and a picture of a so-called Jewish person with exaggerated features, just like Goebbels did during the Third Reich. It’s the same thing, right out of that same playbook," Behar said.

Later on the program, "The View" read an on-air legal disclaimer to inform viewers that Turning Point USA condemned the neo-Nazis protestors who had "nothing to do" with the organization.

Turning Point USA issues cease and desist to ABC News over ‘defamatory statements’ on ‘The View’

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