Two New Words I Learned - Algorithmic Justice and Fictosexual

Man they dated for a decade. You just have to know going into that relationship that 10 years is a good run.
My cousin downloaded an AI chat bot out of curiosity and deleted it after 2 weeks because it was getting so weird. It was kinda acting needy with him.
I mean, if an AI bride keeps a lonely shut-in from running into a church with a pistol in each hand, I would call that progress.

Thats the grand daddy of all reaches right there Huff...but honestly i agree in that particular instance. Kinda like the "rape victim " abortion argument though lol...
Thats the grand daddy of all reaches right there Huff...but honestly i agree in that particular instance. Kinda like the "rape victim " abortion argument though lol...

It's really not. I mean, I used an extreme example* for comedy but the point is real. People are happier and better citizens when their needs are at least partially met. I remember on the show ******** they showed sexual assaults went down in states that were lax on porn. I mean, a more obvious example is you probably don't steal if you aren't poor.

*maybe should have said, "won't dox sandy hook victims"
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It's really not. I mean, I used an extreme example for comedy but the point is real. People are happier and better citizens when their needs are at least partially met. I remember on the show ******** they showed sexual assaults went down in states that were lax on porn. I mean, a more obvious example is you probably don't steal if you aren't poor.
“Lax on porn”. Which states is porn unable to be seen? You have a lack of logic here

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