U.S. Government And 46 States File Antitrust Lawsuit Against Facebook


Velo Vol

Internets Expert
Aug 19, 2009
Facebook facing US legal action over competition
US federal regulators and more than 45 state prosecutors have sued Facebook, accusing the social media company of taking illegal actions to buy up rivals and stifle competition.

The lawsuits are one of the most significant legal actions the US government has taken against the firm.

Officials are asking the court to consider breaking up the company, which also owns Instagram and WhatsApp.
Why did it take this long?
I haven't dug into the weeds of the suit, but my initial take is, why are they now going after acquisitions from six and eight years ago (WhatsAPP, IG)? The time to raise concerns about a "monopoly" was back then, not now.
Ma Bell and Microsoft weigh in
View attachment 329406

46 states! Wow

I can. And I would say the same thing if they were right wing as well.

Nobody needs the level of control Google, Facebook and Twitter have over the information flow.
And right now they’ve got exactly half of Congress royally pissed off at them. The BoD of FB, Twitter, and Google should be saying “ix-na on the ensure-ca” to everyone in leadership.
I haven't dug into the weeds of the suit, but my initial take is, why are they now going after acquisitions from six and eight years ago (WhatsAPP, IG)? The time to raise concerns about a "monopoly" was back then, not now.

I think it was more of an "excuse" since such things have gotten far larger since then.

As I said to Hog, the way the "Big Three" control the information flow and have been acting as of late, they need to be closely examined.
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Pure capitalism is just as much of a farcical pipe dream as communism. They both end up the same way- control of resources in the hands of a few.

I personally have no issue with some regulation, especially in this case, where the offenders are proven national security threats.
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I think it was more of an "excuse" since such things have gotten far larger since then.

As I said to Hog, the way the "Big Three" control the information flow and have been acting as of late, they need to be closely examined.

All of the fact checking bs and disclaimers trying to tell people what context something is in is absolutely ridiculous. Even YouTube has jumped in on the selective censorship.
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All of the fact checking bs and disclaimers trying to tell people what context something is in is absolutely ridiculous. Even YouTube has jumped in on the selective censorship.
Facebook's fact-checking firm has significant funding from a Chinese business. Gets the noggin' joggin', no?
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I can. And I would say the same thing if they were right wing as well.

Nobody needs the level of control Google, Facebook and Twitter have over the information flow.

I was listenimg to a lawyer talk about this and gave a story about in the old days, companies would actually buy the town square to keep unions from speaking by claiming private property and trespassing.

I believe the court ruled against the companies saying it stiffled free speech and the flow of communication. It was an interesting story.
There was a guy on Tucker a few weeks ago that said google was responsible for adding at least 6 million votes for democrats but that the total will end up being way higher
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A lot of people have qualms with Facebook, but I don't think what's being proposed here--chopping off IG/WhatsApp--is going to fix the problems most people complain about.
Pure capitalism is just as much of a farcical pipe dream as communism. They both end up the same way- control of resources in the hands of a few.

I personally have no issue with some regulation, especially in this case, where the offenders are proven national security threats.

It's funny how capitalism has always been spun as entities competing which results in lower prices and better products. In a way it's like the democracy argument; in the end a pure democracy invariably turns destructive because it is essentially mob rule and the mob wants to take out and not put in. Same with capitalism - it's easier to buy or squash the competition than actually compete.
I honestly would not care if facebook burned to the ground myself. You all know they aligned with Peter Thiel. They have been collecting all of your lives and selling them to highest bidder for quite a while. Anyone with any sense jumped ship years ago. Now they are taking all your personas, and even your very lives, and digitizing them into thier virtual world. They own you. One day soon (welcome the quantum computer) you will walk into an avatar of yourself, and not know if you are awake, or asleep.

The privacy violations and ethics violations have gone far beyond criminal, and into atrocious, and unhuman.

That being said, somehow you yahoos keep agreeing to it. As long as you do, there is no case.

The question is, are they too big to fail?

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