U.t Vs. U.f.



Senior Member
Jan 13, 2005
Okay gang, here's the deal...

We're going to play the Florida game right here and now as we see it unfolding this Fall.

Here are the rules, if this is going to work:

1) You only get one set of downs at a time.
2) Wait for a few others to move the game forward before you repost.
3) You have to be imaginative but as realistic as possible.
4) You have to stick to the game (No rabbit paths off the subject).
5) Make sure to mention the time on the clock ever so often.
6) U.T. has to win and it has to be exciting.
7) Keep your play descriptions very brief, very brief!

Now, get yourself a list of the Florida players if you want, so you can give a certain player credit for a good or bad play on any given down. (I am assuming you can name the Vols without a list.)

Now, this may not work but if everyone tries real hard we can have some fun with this one!

I am going to lead into the game and the next poster can take it from there.

It's a beautiful night here in Gainesville. Tennessee, a seven point favorite, has won the toss and deferred to the second half. It's time for the kickoff and everyone is on their feet. There's the whistle and the game is underway...

Hope this works, gang. If not, what the heck. It was fun thinking about it. Take it from the kick somebody!!!!!!!
Here we go! . . . . awwwwww, the ball blew off the tee. James Wilhoit has asked the designated kickoff holder - disgruntled ex-QB Brent Schaeffer - to hold the ball.

And say . . . what just happened on the Florida sideline? Looks like Florida coach Urban Meyer just realized he was in the SEC and just wet himself.
The kickoff is a beauty and the Gator receiver signals for a fair catch. As he waits for the ball, he misjudges the distance and the ball lands on the field behind him!!
It's first down and 10. Leak is in the shotgun. He takes the snap, and WHAMMMM!!! He is met by Parys Haralson and Jessee Mahelona for a huge sack. Loss of 7 yards!!!
now 2nd down and 18 to go...Leak hands off...and FUMBLEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Harylson jumps on it and trots into the end zone easily...Score UT 7 UF 0.....Urban Mayer looks like Spurrier and flings his visor down.....10:40 to go in the first quarter
Waiting on the TV guy down on the field to signal it's okay to kick off. Whistle blows and Wilhoit approaches the ball...
Oh, wait a minute. Hold everything. The refs are out on the field; it looks like a replay has been signalled by the head official. I guess they saw something in the booth.

Here comes the escaped inmate from Gainesville Psychiatric Hospital to signal another TV timeout. We'll break again, with the score for now, Tennessee 7, Florida 0.

(5 minute pause) (again)

All right folks, we're back. After the review, they're going to say that Haralson was down on the one.

So, out will come the Tennessee offense for their first series, with a very, very short field to work with.

And. . . .looks like much to the surprise of the Vol Nation, Brent Schaeffer is lined up under center. How do you like that? Quick snap, hand off to the tailback, who dives over center. . . . no, wait, Schaeffer has the ball! Schaeffer has the ball! It's a naked bootleg to the left and nobody is on him -- TOUCHDOWN, BIG ORANGE!
Ummmm Wilhoit comes out to kick the extra point................

It's good!
Wilhoit comes out to kick the ball off. He hits it and it bounce to the 10 were the Florida returner picks it up. he finds a lane and breaks off to the 45 where wilhoit makes the tackle. chris leak comes out looking to build something on this drive.
A return out to the 45 yard line!?!?! vols2345 is screwing up my fantasy!

1st and 10 Florida from their own 45 . . . Leak comes out in the shotgun with 4 receivers - Leak gets the snap and fakes the handoff and will keep it - he tries to turn it upfield - WHAM!

....that had to hurt.
:question: (. . . .is it wrong to wish the "stretcher cart" onto the field during a make-believe game?)
He didn't need a stretcher cart . . . just crying through the ear hole of his helmet. Walking off the field he could be heard crying "What am I doin' goin' to this sideline? I just wanted to run through the T. Damn you Zook!"
2nd and 13, florida lines up, shotgun formation with 5 wide, whats this, leak is BACK! the florida fans faintly hooray him back into the lineup trying to overcome the aperrant blow to the chest, anyways, HIKE, kevin simon is looking into the eyes of leak, POP, leak was looking at simon also, and quickly went to the grass with jason allen plowing him over for a loss of 7.

looks like florida is in trouble, its 3rd and 22.
On 3rd and 22 the vols play zone. Leak does a nice play action and catches Morley off gaurd and hits Andre Caldwell down the field. Morley makes the shoe string tackle at the 5 yard line.
Leak lines up in the shotgun... and oh no Smokey breaks loose from his handler and runs to Leak and bites him in the A**! Ouch! Man talk about a Gator Chomp!
Originally posted by volmanjr@Mar 7, 2005 3:21 PM
Leak lines up in the shotgun... and oh no Smokey breaks loose from his handler and runs to Leak and bites him in the A**! Ouch! Man talk about a Gator Chomp!

...Leak fumbled the ball when the dog bit him!!! Mahleona recovers at the 8 yard line. 1st and 10 Tennessee!!
well since no one wants to be realistic.

Schaffer comes back in at qb. He takes the snap and gives the play action. The florida saftey bites and schaffer throws to meacheam for a 82 yard touchdown.
Originally posted by vols2345@Mar 7, 2005 4:59 PM
well since no one wants to be realistic.

Schaffer comes back in at qb. He takes the snap and gives the play action. The florida saftey bites and schaffer throws to meacheam for a 82 yard touchdown.

Wouldn't that have to be a 92 yard TD pass? B)
actually 87. 5 yard line, 8 yard loss then fuble recovery, then 87 yard touchdown pass. sorry for the miscaculation. (looks like ainge is struggiling for playing time.)
wilhoit in for the pat.... oh whats this, fulmer has some tricks.....crompton takes the snap as the holder but fires to cory anderson for a 2-point conversion. :rocks:

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