UCLA QB's Injury Update


Why would you celebrate the injury of players on another team?

UCLA was going to be bad enough with these guys, now one is done for the year and it's only April, and the other is out til mid-Summer. Grow up, man.
it's a joke jwells, relax, get your panties out of your crack. i was redshirted my jr. yr in college due to tearing my knee and having multiple surgeries. i know how it goes.
I would rather their QBs be healthy, so that when we spank that ass in September they can't use it as an excuse.
it's a joke jwells, relax, get your panties out of your crack. i was redshirted my jr. yr in college due to tearing my knee and having multiple surgeries. i know how it goes.

Sorry I don't enjoy joking about injuries like that. Plus, when you just put in a smiley dancing around all happy, it doesn't really scream "i'm joking, not seriously reveling in others' injuries."
well i'm joking. trust me take it from someone who has played college sports and had to sit out a yr due to an injury, it sucks

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