UF shooting situation

Team spokesman Steve McClain could not confirm whether the meeting took place and said Meyer will not comment until the investigation is complete.

CPF has been ridiculed for taking that stance but I think it's only fair. Let the police do their thing and then take appropriate actions. You hate to see it in kids w/ so much potential. At least no one was hurt.
(utvolpj @ Feb 17 said:
CPF has been ridiculed for taking that stance but I think it's only fair. Let the police do their thing and then take appropriate actions. You hate to see it in kids w/ so much potential. At least no one was hurt.

Legal is telling him to take that stance, trust me on that.

But as I say, if you can figure out who fired the gun, he's got to go. Period. You cannot let someone who fires a gun, even if accidentally, into an apartment building hang around. It is a message thing. Even if it were Chris Leak or Tim Tebow or whoever, that's it.

Unless there is one heckuva bizarre and benign explanation, I am going to be very disappointed if Meyer does not set an example here with his first major problem.

(lawgator1 @ Feb 17 said:
I say kick him out.

I think thats alil too harsh for someone who hasn't been in trouble before...yeah it was stupid but unintentional and thankfully no one was hurt. Suspend him a few games IMO.
IIRC, UT kicked our gun-shooting offender off the team. But we are never tough... :angel:
(NCGatorBait @ Feb 17 said:
I think thats alil too harsh for someone who hasn't been in trouble before...yeah it was stupid but unintentional and thankfully no one was hurt. Suspend him a few games IMO.
coach fulmer? just kidding....but he's been critisized for doing similar things, albeit for other infractions.....

0 tolerance is tough....there's something to be said for each situation is different, each kid is different....

it will be interesting to see how UM handles this.....
I say no more THUGS. The integrity of players is eroding accross the NCAA. They should adopt a zero tolerance for all schools. Misdemeanors - 1st offense game suspension, 2nd is season, 3rd is dismisal. Felony investigations full season or dismisal. Hey, if your being investigated you guilty of something. The NCAA created this platform for these players with ESPN and the new Heisman trophy hype.
These words come to mind.

Gullible or ignorant,attorney,district attorney,deposition,first time offender,preferential treatment ,plea bargain,reduced sentence,fine,leave school and town (probation only).........LUCKY?...................Not necessarily in that order.

If this were a member of the chess team, I'd say the same thing. If it were a tennis player, same deal.

We are talking about firing a gun into an apartment. Whether you are in favor of gun-owners' rights or not, whether this was just an accidental shooting or not, bottom line is that a kid picked up a gun in a situation where he was putting people's lives at significant risk and it went off. If he fired it intentionally, even if not meaning to hurt anyone, I cannot believe that anyone in their right mind would say that the kid gets a second chance. This is just way too serious. This isn't discounted sneakers or even a free SUV from a booster.

And, if the kids say it simply went off accidentally, well, that and a quarter will buy you a cup of coffee. I suppose some case could be made to give him a chance to prove his judgment is not as awful as it would seem, but if I were Meyer the onus would be on the kid to come up with a plan that basically relegated him to no life whatsoever for a long period of time.

And let's not forget the others with all these guns. What on Earth do they need those for? Loaded .38's in the car? Sorry, but something is not right and Meyer absolutely in my opinion is compelled to find out what the hell is going on with these kids. And then whoever is formenting this attitude of guns and whatnot needs to be looked at very seriously to be kicked off the team.

Tell you what. It is not worth an SECC or even a NC to have a student hit and injured or killed by a stray bullet. No way, no how. This to me is the biggest football-related problem I have ever heard of at Florida and as an alumn I expect, demand actually, that the school and the team do whatever they have to do to get to the bottom of it.

(lawgator1 @ Feb 17 said:
If he fired it intentionally, even if not meaning to hurt anyone, I cannot believe that anyone in their right mind would say that the kid gets a second chance. This is just way too serious.

I use a much more dangerous weapon everyday when I get into my truck and drive to work. More people are killed in car accidents than by accidental discharges of guns annually. Kid should definitely pay for the mistake..but he didn't do it intentionally.
(NCGatorBait @ Feb 17 said:
I use a much more dangerous weapon everyday when I get into my truck and drive to work. More people are killed in car accidents than by accidental discharges of guns annually. Kid should definitely pay for the mistake..but he didn't do it intentionally.

All I know (or should I say, think I know) is what is reported in the Orlando Sentinel. NCGB, what else are you hearing or reading on this?
It just dawned on me that details surrounding vice president Dick Cheney were more readily available than what we have heard concerning this case.I wonder, were they drinking, did anyone have to submit a blood alcohol test, urinalysis, etc.Just curious how something so serious that would be a non-factor.
(utfantilidie @ Feb 17 said:
It just dawned on me that details surrounding vice president Dick Cheney were more readily available than what we have heard concerning this case.I wonder, were they drinking, did anyone have to submit a blood alcohol test, urinalysis, etc.Just curious how something so serious that would be a non-factor.

You're right. It is a sad testament to the state of affairs in college football and what we have come to accept that ESPN and others aren't all over this.
Officers had considered charges of shooting into an occupied dwelling and culpable negligence with the investigation focusing on Tookes, who fired the AR-15 rifle, and Webb, who owns the gun.

OK, I'm trying to understand this w/o sounding like a homer. There is a bullet hole going into the next apt. There are guns in the players apt. but not in the girl's apt. This is a recent gunshot. There is no evidence?? I'm actually speechless...
Here's my favorite...

Officers spoke to Webb the same night of the shooting, and at that time he appeared intoxicated and told them "he had a million-dollar career waiting for him in the NFL and his lawyers would clear him of this," a police report stated.


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