UGA player says, beating UF and UT "no problem"



Senior Member
Jul 8, 2005
Those teams (Tennessee and Florida) are great teams," Anderson said. "They've had great success in the past. I would not take nothing away from them, they are good teams. But, I think we match-up just as good or better than they are. We go out and pair against them and know what's at stake, and stay with our scheme and study our opponent, then we should have no problem beating them.

Bulletin board material? Am I the only one that isnt impressed with UGA, or does everyone think that we'll both beat them?

Georgia is probably the most over-looked team in the SEC this season. Shockley has a lot to prove at QB, but they are just as skilled as any other team in the country in every other area.
I live in GA and thats all i hear about from uga fans is how good they are and how great they are going to be. i totally agree with you though in that it is definetly some bulletin board material and that ut and uf will beat uga. i mean i've not seen or read anything in any article anywhere as to why uga should do better than a 8 win season, maybe 9. cause nobody that likes uga will admit that the end of the "david era" is going to hurt them but its not just the davids they lost, its also guys like odell thurman and several other guys on both sides of the ball. if either one of those games are going to be lopsided, its going to be uf and ut blowing out uga although i dont think either one of them will be blowouts but uga will definetly have problems beating uf and us.
UGA lost too much. They lost their key players on D, their WR, their starting QB...just too much to compete, Im with ya, I see an 8 win season going to them.
They definitley underacheived last season, and should have been able to run away with the SEC East, but don't think that their losing the Davids will take them out of contention. Richt has done a strong recruiting job and the Dawgs will still compete for the East.
This is what all the coaches dread at Media Day. That kid was doing just fine right up until the end of that quote. The whole goal for the players is to answer the questions and not say anything stupid.

He flunked.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 29, 2005 10:23 PM
They definitley underacheived last season, and should have been able to run away with the SEC East, but don't think that their losing the Davids will take them out of contention. Richt has done a strong recruiting job and the Dawgs will still compete for the East.

well thats true that they did recruit well but you also gotta remember that they lost 5 of them i think to either injury, academics, or getting in trouble and those were some of their better recruits if i'm not mistaken.

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