Player guys and others refuse to learn. Late night parties fueled by alcohol. Gals in scanty "look at me" outfits jiggling and giggling. Sporting Yes, means no, and no, means yes attitudes. All that is a cauldron of trouble best unattended. You're a guy on the cusp of major financial independence, professional fame, and all that comes with that. If you have a dime of common sense, you know not to jeopardize that just for the sake of poking a warm wet hole. They never learn, refuse to learn, so I don't have a lot of sympathy for them in trouble because they went hunting for it.
Did I party as a college student? Yeah, I also knew nothing good happens from 11PM - 5AM, so was in my dorm (later apartment) by 10PM, either studying or asleep. And yeah, was often told about all the fun I missed which also periodically included fights, arrests, injuries, gals accusing guys of assaults, and months later of some gal being knocked up. Saw a good number of classmates and non-classmates forced to quit college as a result. Guys just never or just refuse to learn.