Uh - ooooooooooh!!!



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Somebody criticized Islam.

He shouldn't oughta' done that!!!!:no:

"How dreadful are the curses which Islam lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Islam is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
Winston Churchill

The fundamental right to free speech is under attack under the guise of fighting hate speech.

This Sun-Times piece has to rank as one of the most obscene apologias for evil ever seen in a national U.S. paper since Walter Duranty won the Pulitzer making excuses for Joseph Stalin in the pages of the New York Times in the 1930s.
Somebody criticized Islam.

He shouldn't oughta' done that!!!!:no:

The fundamental right to free speech is under attack under the guise of fighting hate speech.

This Sun-Times piece has to rank as one of the most obscene apologias for evil ever seen in a national U.S. paper since Walter Duranty won the Pulitzer making excuses for Joseph Stalin in the pages of the New York Times in the 1930s.

civil liberties die to thunderous applause. I dont know how many times ive been talking to people about the subject and if they are pro-obama, and i disagree with them, im looked at like "N***er hatin Jethro" ah well, im just lookin forward to writing 4 years of political blogs about stuff i dont agree with, and see all the hate mail i get
civil liberties die to thunderous applause. I dont know how many times ive been talking to people about the subject and if they are pro-obama, and i disagree with them, im looked at like "N***er hatin Jethro" ah well, im just lookin forward to writing 4 years of political blogs about stuff i dont agree with, and see all the hate mail i get

Here is a short primer on Islam from different sources.

(I don't see how anyone could call this hate speech, but understand some probably will.)

Really to avoid the misunderstanding so widespread in America, one really should understand a few words of Arabic such as 'islam,' 'jihad,' 'taqqiya' and 'abeed,' plus understand how the apply to politics, because that particular religion, far more than any other concerns itself with rule of law and politics, in fact it cannot be separated in the mind of a believer, and so far removed from what people in western societies believe about politics and government that they struggle to understand and generally just accept the propaganda and explore no further.
(submission, struggle, deception and slave or black)

Part I

The usual meaning of Islam in Arabic is not
"peace" but "submission."

And if the terrorists were so far outside the
mainstream, why did Muslims all over the
world burst into joyful, spontaneous
celebrations when the hijacked jetliners
slammed into the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon?

Why are Islamic governments afraid to show
"too much" public support for the war against

Further, why are all the governments that
covertly support terrorism centered in the
Muslim world?

The truth is that Islam is not a religion of
peace. This is not to say that every Muslim
is violent at heart. Many are not. Muslims
have the same aspirations for living peaceful
lives that people have the world over. But
they also have the same potential for
violence as others, and Islam as a religion
and an ideology seeks to exploit that potential.

Though there are millions of Muslims who
want peaceful relations with the West,
millions who aspire to live in free societies
like America, there nevertheless remains a
deep and powerful strain of violence within
Islam, and it is important that Americans
understand it.

They will have to face it in the future.

This means that, in the historic Muslim
understanding, Islamic society is or should
be a theocracy—a society in which God
himself is the monarch, reigning on earth
through subordinates.

In the earliest days of Islam, the subordinate
was the prophet Mohammed, who founded
Islam and conquered the Arabian Peninsula.

Thereafter the subordinate was the caliphs
and in the centuries after Mohammed’s death
they expanded Muslim society by conquering
peoples as far west as Spain and as far east
as India.

In the process, they absorbed half of Christian

Eventually, the power of the caliphs waned,
and new leaders—such as the Ottoman sultans
—were the subordinates.

Throughout it all, God himself was regarded
as the ruler of Islamic civilization.

That Islam sees itself as a theocracy has
enormous ramifications for how it regards
itself and for the behavior of Muslims.

First, it means that Islam is not only a religion.
It is also a political ideology. If the government
of the Muslim community simply is God’s
government, then no other governments can
be legitimate. They are all at war with God.

As a result, Muslims have typically divided
the world into two spheres, known as the
Dar al-Islam—the "house of Islam" or
"house of submission" to God—and the
Dar al-Harb, or "house of war"—those
who are at war with God.

Second, it means that Muslims have believed
themselves to have a "manifest destiny."
Since God must win in the end, the Dar
al-Harb must be brought under the control
of Muslim government and made part of the
Dar al-Islam.

Third, since the Dar al-Harb by its nature
is at war with God, it is unlikely that it will
submit to God without a fight. Individual
groups might be convinced to lay down their
arms and join the Muslim community by
various forms of pressure—economic or
military—that fall short of war.

In history some groups have become Muslim
in this way, either fearing Muslim conquest,
desiring Muslim military aid against their
own enemies, or aspiring to good trade
relations with the Muslim world.

But many peoples would rather fight than
switch. This has been particularly true of
Christians, who have put up more resistance
to the Muslim advance than have pagan and
animistic tribes.

Because of the need to expand God’s dominion
by wars of conquest, Islam’s ideology imposes
on Muslims the duty to fight for God’s community.

This duty is known as jihad (Arabic, "struggle,
fight"). Although it is binding on all Muslims,
it has been particularly incumbent on those
on the edges of the Muslim world, where there
was room for expansion.

Only by continual jihad could the manifest
destiny of Islam to bring the world into
submission to God be fulfilled.

As eminent French sociologist Jacques Ellul
notes, "Jihad is a religious obligation. It forms
part of the duties that the believer must fulfill;
it is Islam’s normal path to expansion."

A fourth and final consequence of Islam’s view
of itself as a theocracy is that in theory all
Muslims should not only form one religious
community but should be subject to one
government as well — God’s government, a
kind of Muslim superstate.

Yet this has not happened. Muslims have
been ruled by different governments since
the early days of Islam.

Europe for centuries had been terrified by
the Muslim advance, with continual warfare
on its borders to the west and to the east
as Christians struggled at first to check the
Muslim advance and later to reclaim their

The fight was not easy for Europe and, for
a long time, it did not go well. Lewis notes
of medieval Christendom: "Split into squabbling,
petty kingdoms, its churches divided by schism
and heresy, with constant quarrels between
the churches of Rome and the East, it was
disputed between two emperors and for a
while even two popes.

After the loss of the Christian shores of the
eastern and southern Mediterranean to the
Muslim advance, Christendom seemed even
more local, confided in effect to a small
peninsula on the western edge of Asia which
became—and was by this confinement defined

For a time—indeed, for a very long time—
it seemed that nothing could prevent the
ultimate triumph of Islam and the extension
of the Islamic faith and Muslim power to

As chronicler of Muslim expansion Paul
Fregosi notes, "‘From the fury of the
Mohammedan, spare us, O Lord’ was
a prayer heard for centuries in all the
churches of central and southern Europe.

Fear of the jihad has not entirely vanished
even now, particularly among peoples who
have known Muslim domination." Muslims
conducted raids to capture slaves as far west
as England and Ireland. They attacked Iceland,
taking 800 slaves back to Africa.
And they plunged deep into Europe and even attacked
and took slaves from North America.

They captured Sicily and invaded the Italian
mainland. "Naples, Genoa, Ravenna, Ostia,
and even Rome itself were all for a time
pillaged or occupied by the Saracens.

Human beings became a cheap and abundant
commodity. In Rome, in 846 . . . the Muslims
even looted the churches of St. Peter and St.
Paul, and the pope had to buy off the invaders
with the promised tribute of 25,000 silver coins
a year. Pope Leo IV then ordered the construction
of the Leonine Wall around the city to protect
St. Peter’s from further assault."

The threat continued for centuries, with
Muslim forces laying siege in 1529 and
1683 to Vienna, the capital of the Holy
Roman Empire, located in the heart of

But as Islam stagnated, new doors opened
to Europe, particularly through the discovery
of the New World and the vast material
resources it offered. As Europe grew
economically, technologically, and militarily
through its colonies and the rise of global
trade, the balance of power shifted, and the
Islamic world became vulnerable.

Even before the discovery of the New World,
Christians in both western and eastern Europe
had begun to reclaim their conquered
homelands from Muslim dominion, and the
tremendous new resources that Europe had
at its disposal as a result of the Age of
Exploration only made things worse for
Muslim aspirations to world political supremacy.

Their own governmental structures—particularly
the Ottoman empire—began to lose power and
disintegrate, with Europeans stepping in to
take control as colonialization progressed.

For three centuries the Muslim world lost
ground, and by the first half of the twentieth
century almost all of it had been reduced to
being colonies or protectorates of European
Comforting to know that when I want some rock solid information on subjects such as terrorism, Islam, or the mid-East, I can always turn to gsvol.

And that whatever he says I assume the exact opposite to be true.
Comforting to know that when I want some rock solid information on subjects such as terrorism, Islam, or the mid-East, I can always turn to gsvol.

And that whatever he says I assume the exact opposite to be true.

Yeah, his "two sides to a coin" is taken directly from Two Face.
Part II;

Lewis notes, "By 1920 it seemed that the
triumph of Europe over Islam was total and
final. The vast territories and countless
millions of the Muslim peoples of Asia and
Africa were firmly under the control of the
European empires—some of them under a
variety of native princes, most under direct
colonial administration.

Only a few remote mountain and desert areas,
too poor and too difficult to be worth the
trouble of acquiring, retained some measure
of sovereign independence."

What was the Muslim reaction to this
alarming sequence of developments?

European domination of the Muslim world
was short-lived, ending in the 1960s with
the close of the de-colonialization that followed
World War II. Yet it had an enormous effect
on the Muslim psyche.

This effect was somewhat muffled by the Cold
War and the tense balance of power between
the Western and Soviet spheres.

The new Muslim states—the borders of which
had been largely and not always skillfully
drawn by the withdrawing colonial powers—
were too weak to be assertive and fell into
the orbits of either of the United States or
the Soviet Union.

Nationalistic assertiveness was subsumed
during the tense, global standoff.

But with the collapse of the Soviet Union
and the end of the Cold War, matters changed.

At first, some hailed the event as "the end of
history," but other, wiser observers pointed
to new dangers in the world, including Islamic

Samuel Huntington, director of Harvard
University’s John M. Olin Institute for
Strategic Studies, presciently warned that
the end of the Cold War would lead to a
period he referred to as "the clash of

A major flash point he envisioned in this
conflict, unsurprisingly, was between Islam
and the West.

"After World War II, the West, in turn, began
to retreat; the colonial empires disappeared;
first Arab nationalism and then Islamic
fundamentalism manifested themselves. . . .

The centuries-old military interaction between
the West and Islam is unlikely to decline.

It could become more virulent. The Gulf War
left some Arabs feeling proud that Saddam
Hussein had attacked Israel and stood up to
the West. It also left many feeling humiliated
and resentful of the West’s military presence
in the Persian Gulf, the West’s overwhelming
military dominance, and Muslim apparent
inability to shape their own destiny."

Huntington noted a common consensus that
an inevitable clash between Islam and the
West, a clash initiated by the former, was
soon to come: "On both sides the interaction
between Islam and the West is seen as a
clash of civilizations.

The West’s ‘next confrontation,’ observes
M. J. Akbar, an Indian Muslim author, ‘is
definitely going to come from the Muslim

It is in the sweep of the Islamic nations from
the Maghreb to Pakistan that the struggle for
a new world order will begin.’"

That confrontation came with the terrorist
attacks of September 11, 2001 and the
inauguration of the war against terrorism.

What did the terrorists hope for?

They hoped for a conflict with the West
that would end the long, dark winter that
Islam has experienced.

They hoped that the fortunes of their religion
and civilization would be reversed. They hoped
for a war that would smash the might of the
West and allow a wave Islamic revolutions to
sweep away the worldly tyrants ruling Muslim

They hoped for a return to purer, stricter Islam,
free of Western corruption and values. They
hoped that the blessings of God would descend
upon their civilization, allowing it to return to
its rightful place at the head of nations, with
a resurgence of Muslim nationalism that would
give birth to the Islamic superstate that long
had eluded them.

And they hoped for a new wave of expansion
that would allow Islam to establish its destiny
of bringing the entire world under Muslim control.

In the famous al-Qaeda "dinner conversation"
found on videotape in Afghanistan, Osama bin
Laden expressed the view that the war he
initiated would lead to a wave of Muslim
expansion not seen since the religion’s first
century, when it consumed half of Christian

These dreams of a renewed, purified Islam,
of the overthrow of existing Muslim governments,
of a triumphant smashing of the West, and of
expansion through a new jihad are far from
confined to bin Laden and his terrorists.

They are the dreams that inspire the seething
rage of "the Arab street," which so often breaks
forth into violent demonstrations at political
events beyond its control.

Within the Muslim world, government officials
have been trying to cling to power in the face
of rising anger on their streets. Trying to buy
time, they have funded radical Islamic schools,
media establishments, and even the terrorists
themselves, hoping to direct and diffuse
ineffectual Muslim rage toward the West as a

The West has responded with the war against
terrorism, which Muslim governments would like
to see succeed in ridding their society of its most
radical elements, which seek their overthrow.

Yet they hesitate to support the war too much
lest they hasten their own demise through
coup d’ etats.

Muslims respect strength. They cheer whoever
displays it. Regardless of how many times their
towns change hands during an armed conflict,
the populace will turn out to cheer their newest
liberators, whether they are genuinely on a
mission of liberation or not.

The development of a stable Europe took
centuries of bloody conflict that finally wore
out the resolve of Europeans to keep killing
each other and prompted them to try a different
path. This was not achieved until, in the first
half of the twentieth century, Europe underwent
two massive convulsions of violence, the First
and Second World Wars.

Key to both of these was the intervention of
the United States, which at the end of the
Second World War pacified Europe and refused
to let its states continue to pursue their bitter,
historic rivalries in ways that could destabilize
Europe and lead to another war.

Post-war Europe also was united by an outside
threat: Soviet Communism, which dominated
Eastern Europe. It was the continued presence
of U.S. forces in Western Europe during the Cold
War that helped protect it from Soviet invasion
while new, more healthy political and economic
ties were developing between its states as they
sought to form a united front against the Soviet

The sequence of events that led to the current
state of affairs in Europe is unique and may
not be repeatable. Trying to force the Muslim
world down the same path is an uncertain
proposition, and, even if it could succeed, it
might well require the same dramatic military
interventions and conflicts as the pacification
of Europe. It might require world wars and
cold wars.

Regarding violence against Jews and Christians,
the Quran says, "Fight against those to whom
the Scriptures were given as believe in neither
God nor the last day, who do not forbid what
God and his messenger have forbidden, and
who do not embrace the true faith, until they
pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued"
(Surah 9:29).

In other words, violence is to be used
against Jews and Christians unless they
are willing to pay a special tax and live
in subjection to Muslims as second-class
citizens. For them the choice is convert,
die, or live in subjection.

It is clear that Islam as a religion and an
ideology has by far the greatest tendency to

There are, indeed, many Muslims who desire
peace, but, their views often do not count for
much in Muslim society.

Author Serge Trifkovic notes: "Some critics
may object that this account of Islam in the
modern world does not pay much attention
to Islamic moderation, to the everyday wish
of everyday Muslims for a quiet life. This is
not because such moderates are rare, but
because they are rarely important. Religions,
like political ideologies, are pushed along by
money, power, and tiny vocal minorities.
Part III;

First, it means that Islam is not only a religion.
It is also a political ideology.

The author doesn't dwell on the aspects of
militant Islam's association and collaboration
with socialists, either the national socialists
(nazis) or international socialists (communist
party et al) in efforts to strengthen itself against
western civilization.

Osama bin-Laden said; "We will deal with the
socialists later, they are infidels also."

Key words;

Abeed; This term, literally “slave” in Arabic, is used as a slur against Blacks and persons of mixed African descent. In can mean 'slave or 'black African.' The name Abd is cognate with Hebrew “Obed”, meaning “servant, worshipper”. Abd also refers to slaves in Arab society, mainly made up of imported African slaves, yet many were from the Caucasus Mountains as well as Eastern Europe and as far west as Iceland and Newfoundland.


The people of Central Africa fiercely resisted Islam for a long time, often converting nominally to Islam and immediately reverting to their pre-Islamic animistic tribal beliefs. The first recorded Muslim invasions were as early as the 8th century, but these invasions could not make significant inroads in to the deeply forested tribal fastness of Central Africa. Many of the raids were limited to the seizure of black African slaves, who were referred to as “Abeed” which in Arabic means “Black”.

Slavery is taken for granted as acceptable in the Qur’an, and the Islamic world only abolished it under Western pressure; there has never been anything in the Islamic world comparable to the abolitionist movements led by Christian preachers such as Wilberforce in Britain and Garrison in the United States. And despite the official abolition of slavery in much of the Islamic world, because of its Qur’anic sanction it is still widely practiced.

“Slavery is a part of Islam,” Al-Fawzan announced in a recent lecture. “Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.” He argued against the idea that slavery had ever been abolished, insulting those who espouse this view as “ignorant, not scholars. They are merely writers. Whoever says such things is an infidel.”

Al-Fawzan is no maverick. He is:

A member of the Senior Council of Clerics, Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body;
A member of the Council of Religious Edicts and Research;
Imam of the Prince Mitaeb Mosque in Riyadh; and
Professor at Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University, the main Wahhabi center of learning.
That such a viewpoint can be asserted by a card-carrying member of the Saudi religious establishment is a tragic commentary on the state of Islamic discourse today.

Jihad; Struggle to promote Islam, anything from quoting the Quran to an infidel to extreme terrorism.

Islam; submission, especially to the will of Allah or his designated Imans.

Taqqiya; Deception for the sake of Islam, dissimulation; lying for the sake of ones religion; concealing ones true religious beliefs for strategic reasons. Taqiyya is a lie by commission, rather than by omission. The concept of al-taqiyya is one historically associated with Shia Islam. This is because Sunni Muslims, who believe that Shiites are heretics, would impel them to denounce their faith, thinking this would expose them as mushrikeen when they refused to. In response, the Shia would do so, but hold true to their faith in their hearts, thus preserving their faith and their lives. Taqiyya is now used by all Muslims as a means of deceiving infidels about Islam's aims, practices, and aspirations. It is permissable to profess to be Christian for forty years or more as long as one is active in promoting Islam.

Fatwa; Religious (and political) decree, can be far ranging and far reaching, the death penalty fatwa on Salman Rushdie of twenty years ago is still in effect.
Comforting to know that when I want some rock solid information on subjects such as terrorism, Islam, or the mid-East, I can always turn to gsvol.

And that whatever he says I assume the exact opposite to be true.


Instead of flaming me, why don't you present some sort of argument as to where I'm wrong???

You can assume all you want, obviously you assume quite a bit to be true that comes directly from la la land.
This is an Uh-ooooooooooooooh

Report: Ex-Gitmo detainee joins al-Qaida in Yemen | ajc.com

A Saudi man released from Guantanamo after spending nearly six years inside the U.S. prison camp is now the No. 2 of Yemen's al-Qaida branch, according to a purported Internet statement from the terror network.

The announcement, made this week on a Web site commonly used by militants, came as President Barack Obama ordered the detention facility closed within a year. Many of the remaining detainees are from Yemen, which has long posed a vexing terrorism problem for the U.S.

The terror group's Yemen branch — known as "al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula" — said the man, identified as Said Ali al-Shihri, returned to his home in Saudi Arabia after his release from Guantanamo about a year ago and from there went to Yemen, which is Osama bin Laden's ancestral home.

Instead of flaming me, why don't you present some sort of argument as to where I'm wrong???

You can assume all you want, obviously you assume quite a bit to be true that comes directly from la la land.

Because no one has time to read all that crap.
It's just like any other religion....:nono:

YouTube - Children of Hamas


What do they say about America?? (the great satan)

The first Islamic missionaries from abroad
arrived in the 1920s and unblushingly declared,
"Our plan is, we are going to conquer America."

Such hopes have become commonplace in
recent years.

Some examples:

* Omar Abdel Rahman - the blind sheikh
later convicted of planning a "day of rage"
by blowing up New York buildings and
architecture - in 1991 called on Muslims
to "conquer the land of the infidels."

* A native-born American who converted
to Islam and helped fight the Soviets in
Afghanistan, then proclaimed that "it is
the duty of all Muslims to complete the
march of jihad [holy war] until we reach
America and liberate her."

* Isma'il Al-Faruqi, the first academic
theorist of a United States-made-
fundamentalist-Muslim, argued in 1983
that "Nothing could be greater than this
youthful, vigorous, and rich continent [of
North America] turning away from its past
evil and marching forward under the banner
of Allahu Akbar [God is great]."

* Siraj Wahaj, the first imam to deliver
a Muslim prayer for the U.S. House of
Representatives, holds that if Muslims
unite, they could elect their own leader
as president;
"take my word, if 6-8 million
Muslims unite in America, the country will
come to us."

* Zaid Shakir, formerly the Muslim
chaplain at Yale University, believes the
Koran "pushes us in the exact opposite
direction as the forces at work in the
American political spectrum" and from
this argues that Muslims cannot accept
the legitimacy of the existing order.

* Masudul Alam Choudhury, a Canadian
professor of business, matter-of-factly
advocates the "Islamization agenda in
North America." Ahmad Nawfal, a Jordanian
who spoke often at American rallies a few
years ago, says that if fundamentalist
Muslims stand up, "it will be very easy for
us to preside over this world once again."

* Shamim A. Siddiqi wrote a book on
establishing "Islamic rule" in the United
States, with the goal of Muslims creating
"a strong lobby in Washington for the
promotion of Islam in this country as well
as elsewhere in the world."

Other countries:

Saudi Arabia - Conversion by a Muslim to another religion is punishable by death. Bibles are illegal. Churches are illegal. Easter celebrations are illegal. Having the image of a cross is illegal. It is punishable by death for a non-mulsim to enter the “holy” muslim cities of Medina and Mecca.

Yemen - Bans proselytizing by non-Muslims and forbids conversions. The Government does not allow the building of new non-Muslim places of worship.

Kuwait - Registration and licensing of religious groups. Members of religions not sanctioned in the Koran may not build places of worship. Prohibits organized religious education for religions other than Islam.

Egypt - Islam is the official state religion and primary source of legislation. Accordingly, religious practices that conflict with Islamic law are prohibited. Muslims may face legal problems if they convert to another faith (up to and including death). Requires non-Muslims to obtain what is now a presidential decree to build a place of worship.

Northern Cyprus - About 133 churches, chapels and monasteries have been converted to military storage facilities, stables and night-clubs. Seventy-eight churches have been converted to mosques, and dozens more are used as military facilities, medical storage facilities, or stockyards or hay barns, according to statistics from The Republic of Cyprus. Agia Anastasia Church in Lapithos was converted into a hotel and casino, while the Sourp Magar Armenian monastery – founded in the medieval period – was converted into a cafeteria.

Algeria - The law prohibits public assembly for purposes of practicing a faith other than Islam. Non-Islamic proselytizing is illegal, and the Government restricts the importation of non-Islamic literature for distribution. The country has passed the “Regulation of Religious Practice” law, which stipulates a punishment of two to five years’ imprisonment and heavy fines for anyone convicted of urging a Muslim to change his religion.

Syria - The constitution requires the president to be a Muslim and specifies that Islamic jurisprudence is a principal source of legislation. Sharing your Christian faith is discouraged as “posing a threat to the relations among religious groups” and carries a penalty of up to life in prison. A Christian is not allowed to proselytize – ever. Churches who want to hold an extra service must get a government permit. Sermons are routinely monitored, as is church fundraising.

Jordan - Has the death penalty for any Muslim selling land to a Jew.

Sudan - Conversion by a Muslim to another religion is punishable by death.

Pakistan - Conversion by a Muslim to another religion is punishable by death. Bans proselytizing by non-Muslims. Christians regularly put in prison for charges of blasphemy. Islam is the state religion, and in a court of law the testimony of a Christian carries less weight than that of a Muslim. Section 295(c) of the Penal Code calls for a death sentence for anyone who defiles the name of the Prophet Muhammad and requires the testimony of four Muslims for a conviction. This fosters an environment in which Muslims can feel free to use intimidation and violence against religious minorities for personal gain. Also, if any criminal Muslim rape with any Christian female and then take plea that she has accepted Islam and marry with him. Such person is not culpable under Pakistani criminal law

Qatar - Islamic instruction is compulsory in public schools. The government regulates the publication, importation, and distribution of non-Islamic religious literature. The government continues to prohibit proselytizing of Muslims by non-Muslims.

Malaysia - Under Malaysian law, any convert to Christianity must apply to a shariah (Muslim law) court to legally renounce Islam. Many Christians prefer to remain silent converts rather than take their battle to the shariah courts, where apostasy or conversion out of Islam is punishable by whipping, fines, imprisonment and—in the most extreme application—death. In a country where Muslims account for more than half of the population, conversion from Islam is punished with a 5-year prison sentence and a $3,000 fine. A Malaysian Muslim who marries a non-Muslim and who converts the non-Muslim to Islam is rewarded with an apartment, a car, a one-time payment of $2,700, and a monthly stipend of $270.

The Maldives - In the island paradise visited by tens of thousands of tourists each year, Christianity is simply not tolerated. While local Christians – said to number around 300 out of a total population of 300,000 – do get together to worship, they do so at the risk of imprisonment or worse if discovered by the Muslim authorities. Bibles are banned, and tourists can be arrested for trying to bring them into the country.

Afghanistan - Islamic Sharia is the law of the land.

England - Bradford, Yorkshire, UK. Pop. 300,000 - 20% Islamic. Local police required to tell community elders the location of girls who run away to escape arranged marriages. Bars and liquor stores in the Lumb Lane / Manningham Lane area of the city ‘requested’ to close on Fridays. Schools, colleges, and health clinics have to have separate areas for women, with a copy of the Koran available. Public critcism of Islam or it’s adherents, such as letters to the local paper, emails to friends, speeches etc, can and has led to criminal charges ‘Using words intentionally and wilfully to cause fear, hate, or distress. Christmas decorations not to be put up, as this may make the Moslems feel ‘culturally overshadowed’. Shops ‘requested’ not to display easter eggs for the same reason. The term ‘requested’ means not legally enforceable but local police warn that they cannot intervene if your premises get ‘damaged’ somehow. Local councillors and MPs have encouraged all this for the past 15 years. Bradford Northwest MP Ann Cryer regularly appears with long sleeves and her head covered. She once stated that women in Islam are properly liberated and that Islam is an example to us all.

Meanwhile, in the United States in 2007, several school districts removed pork products from their cafeteria offerings. Dearborn, Mich., schools banned pork completely to avoid the possibility that Muslims students might unknowingly eat it. The district later added special halal foods to its menu to cater to the demands of its Muslim population.

An elementary school in San Diego that offers Arabic, single-gender classes and Muslim-only organized prayer, no longer offers pork to any of its students. And in Oak Lawn, Ill., where the administration is debating elimination of Christmas holiday celebrations, pork has already been banished from the school lunchroom.

Because no one has time to read all that crap.

You probably have time to read this:


Could it be that those who don't spend so much time surfing porn sites might have time to read some of the more intelligent, informed 'crap??'

Yeah, his "two sides to a coin" is taken directly from Two Face.

Do you know any person in Washington D. C. who isn't an apologist for Islam??? (Not counting all those you know who are actually professing Muslims.)

I'm really interested in your answer.
Do you know any person in Washington D. C. who isn't an apologist for Islam??? (Not counting all those you know who are actually professing Muslims.)

I'm really interested in your answer.

That's the big WTF!

Why is the TRUTH so hard to admit or face about this?

PC is killing truth and real debate!
Given most everyone's slight toward Islam -- I'm curious to hear those same people's opinion on Mormonism and FLDS.
Given most everyone's slight toward Islam -- I'm curious to hear those same people's opinion on Mormonism and FLDS.

Why do you consider it a slight toward islam to give the historical facts???

What do you think of the Mormons???

I don't think we have any UN resolution not to criticize Mormonism!!!!!

All the Mormons I have know have been upstanding, kind, caring individuals who seem to epitomize the best of Christianity.
Why do you consider it a slight toward islam to give the historical facts???

What do you think of the Mormons???

I don't think we have any UN resolution not to criticize Mormonism!!!!!

All the Mormons I have know have been upstanding, kind, caring individuals who seem to epitomize the best of Christianity.

Funny, I could say the same thing about most Islamic people I know -- except for the Christianity part. You do know that the fundamental premise of Mormonism directly states that Christianity is not a true religion though.

At the same time, two of my best friends are Mormon, so I know an enormous amount about their religion and the fundamentalist sect of their religion (FLDS). No, they don't fly airplanes into buildings, and they don't blow up buildings in Oklahoma City (oops, not Islam), but the fundamentalists do commit some heinous crimes on a regular basis. Just take a look into the lives of the FLDS, their belief structure, their view on women and polygamy, etc. It would be easy for me to take these fundamentalist principles and make broad strokes for all Mormons -- but it simply wouldn't be accurate. I could quote Book of Mormon all day that would talk about how Christians are an abomination but that doesn't mean Mormons really believe that.

So what I'm saying is this: I can make a pretty strong argument, based on the Book of Mormon text and the FLDS, that show them as pretty horrible people. I think the same goes for Muslims in this case -- their hatred towards to U.S. is run by the fundamentalist sect -- not the greater faith as a whole. So, yes, you can make a strong argument for Muslims being awful -- but it's just not the case. It's like saying all the Vols are criminals because of a few players (like many people from other teams do).
Funny, I could say the same thing about most Islamic people I know -- except for the Christianity part. You do know that the fundamental premise of Mormonism directly states that Christianity is not a true religion though.

At the same time, two of my best friends are Mormon, so I know an enormous amount about their religion and the fundamentalist sect of their religion (FLDS). No, they don't fly airplanes into buildings, and they don't blow up buildings in Oklahoma City (oops, not Islam), but the fundamentalists do commit some heinous crimes on a regular basis. Just take a look into the lives of the FLDS, their belief structure, their view on women and polygamy, etc. It would be easy for me to take these fundamentalist principles and make broad strokes for all Mormons -- but it simply wouldn't be accurate. I could quote Book of Mormon all day that would talk about how Christians are an abomination but that doesn't mean Mormons really believe that.

So what I'm saying is this: I can make a pretty strong argument, based on the Book of Mormon text and the FLDS, that show them as pretty horrible people. I think the same goes for Muslims in this case -- their hatred towards to U.S. is run by the fundamentalist sect -- not the greater faith as a whole. So, yes, you can make a strong argument for Muslims being awful -- but it's just not the case. It's like saying all the Vols are criminals because of a few players (like many people from other teams do).

Have you ever been exposed to the book; "He Walked the Americas??"

I've heard that 'Mormonism directly states that Christianity is not a true religion' but I've read most of the book of the Mormon and didn't see that. The last couple of years I've received a visit from a young Mormon, in 2007 he had just returned from a 2 year missionary trip to Russia. I've never heard him or any other Mormon say that. That could be true, where did you get that???

I don't remember that I read any thing resembling "Christians are an abomination either.

No, they don't fly airplanes into buildings, and they don't blow up buildings in Oklahoma City (oops, not Islam),

How wrong you are, you have been victimized by islamo/fascist-socialist propaganda on that event!!!

(Popular urban myth and edicts by the Iman of the Chicago mosque notwithstanding.)

If you would like proof that what I say is correct, just tell me, I'll furnish you plenty of evidence.

Terry Nichols learned his bomb making skills from an al-Qaeda affiliate in the Philippines and he and that other nutcase were aided and abetted by Iraqi intelligence agents.

For the record, TWA Flight 800 blew up in the sky off the south coast of Long Island 0n July 17, 1996, Liberation Day in Saddam's Iraq.

So, yes, you can make a strong argument for Muslims being awful

Study the 1400 year history of Islam.

Study the last 200 years.

Study the last 100 years.

Study the last 50 years.

Study the last 20 years.

Study the last 10 years.

And 'moderate' muslims have absolutely no say so in any case.

Did you know that since 1992 120,000 Algerians have been murdered by Islamic extremists????

Islam is a very real threat to peace no matter how you look at it. Not only that they demand to be the final authority in world government.

It is clear that Islam as a religion and an
ideology has by far the greatest tendency to

And if the terrorists were so far outside the
mainstream, why did Muslims all over the
world burst into joyful, spontaneous
celebrations when the hijacked jetliners
slammed into the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon?

Chronological List of Islamic Terrorist Attacks, 1968 - 2004, (partial list.)

I think I'll wait for the "Cliff Notes".:)

For 40 years, from 1920 to 1960, Islam seemed to be dormant, they were not, it was that the world was distracted by the stand off between the USA and the USSR aka the "cold war".

In the 1960s virulent Islam began to rear it's ugly head again with various terror tactic initiatives including assassinations, hijackings and terror bombings.

They have used liberal socialist immigration policies to infiltrate western society.

Today in the UK, France, Spain and the Netherlands, Islam has a very strong influence on both domestic and foreign policies. It also has a presence in other European countries and is dominate in the two new nations of Greater Albania and Bosnia after the breakup of Yugolsavia.

I have a friend who was in Vietnam not so long ago, he ended up in the brig for 4 months for breaking the jaw of an AP photographer. My young friend was recovering dead bodies of American's from the Vietnam conflict era and told the photo guy not to take pictures but the guy jumped right into the pit with his camera, that's when the crap hit the fan. If not for that scumbag Kerry and his scummy friends, the Vietnamese (for whom I have great respect), would have come clean about all our guys that never were repatriated to the USA.
Islam sucks. I said it. Come get me.

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

Winston Churchill

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