This is about as astute an observation as I have ever seen on this board. That's why I say we need to do something to get ahold of all the resentment that is building up in this country.
Racial tensions are definitely there. But its deeper than that. Its also a class issue.
I am very worried for our collective future.
I don't know what you do about it. I think you might be right when you talk about it being a class issue; but I almost wonder whether part of it is almost, paradoxically, the breakdown of even the limited class hierarchies we've had in this country. It used to be that you were born poor and just resented the guys making more money than you. That's an external tension. But now in today's consumerist, no-money-down, buy-it-now society, the whole attitude is that everyone can buy everything they want immediately, so everybody's walking around with no savings and huge credit card bills, just so that they can have more objects and bigger houses than they can really afford. Easy credit it has made it so that everyone thinks they can afford whatever they want.
And all this stuff is not really making them happy like it was supposed to -- even the new $4000 plamsa HDTV is still just a TV, after all. There's still nothing but crapon to watch. So almost everyone has basically zero margin for error in their financial lives. They're all one or two paychecks away from disaster, which makes them uneasy when the American economy is not exactly a model of stability these days, and instead of good old-fashioned class resentment people are wound up tightly
internally because of their own precarious money situations, and they feel like they're the only ones not basking in the glory of the great American consumerist marketplace. Instead of it being the "rich are keeping us down!", it's just....."I've got no money in the bank and I owe $30k on my credit cards."
So then, for example, they read a story online about how a family hit the insurance jackpot when a family member was killed, and instead of feeling sorry for the family or even just forgetting about it, they HATE. And thanks to the anonymous forum that the Internet provides, they spew bile.