UMichigan situation about to get worse



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
LB/S Artis Chamber, RB Mike Cox and RB Sam McGuffie are all transfering at the end of the season. Also WR Zion Babb has left the team.

McGuffie was cleared to play this past weekend but at the last minute he told the coaches he wasn't healthy enough............then his grandma died and he told RR he was going to the funeral and RR told him to take all his stuff with him and don't bother coming back.
LB/S Artis Chamber, RB Mike Cox and RB Sam McGuffie are all transfering at the end of the season. Also WR Zion Babb has left the team.

McGuffie was cleared to play this past weekend but at the last minute he told the coaches he wasn't healthy enough............then his grandma died and he told RR he was going to the funeral and RR told him to take all his stuff with him and don't bother coming back.
Yeah, I bet Rich is bawling about losing a bunch of guys from a team that lost at home to Toledo.
Michigan will be fine. It is absoutley ugly right now, but I think they will have a Big 10 title by the time RR graduates his first full class. (by that I mean those signing this year.)
LB/S Artis Chamber, RB Mike Cox and RB Sam McGuffie are all transfering at the end of the season. Also WR Zion Babb has left the team.

McGuffie was cleared to play this past weekend but at the last minute he told the coaches he wasn't healthy enough............then his grandma died and he told RR he was going to the funeral and RR told him to take all his stuff with him and don't bother coming back.

I'm sorry about his grandma, but it looks to me like he was just finding an excuse to get out of playing.

For the record I'm not a Rodriguez fan, but I'll side with him on this until proven otherwise.
Yeah, way to jump to conclusions about a situation you know nothing about. Think the dismissal might have been because the kid was cleared to play, then jaked out?

all i'm saying is he could have dismissed him after the season, if it is at the same time he was going home for a funeral that's a little rough don't you think?
all i'm saying is he could have dismissed him after the season, if it is at the same time he was going home for a funeral that's a little rough don't you think?
The funeral is irrelevant. If a guy is healthy, but wants to goldbrick and come up with excuses not to play, I want him away from my program at the earliest possible moment.
McGuffie is well known to have mustain style issues. if he wants to leave a run first offense as the starting RB for michigan me thinks he's a head case. for instance his primary reason for picking michigan over cal (according to him) was that the housing prices in the bay area were too high and he wanted his parents to move to college with him. i'm sure RR loves having mommy and daddy around all the time. edit: apparently he told the press recently he missed his "warm bed and cartoons" (very mature). I guess his parents must not have actually moved with him.

“Sam will just plain tell you,” Jackson said. “ ‘Hey Coach, I’m homesick. I’d like to go back to see my mother.’ ”

"I miss Texas,” McGuffie said. “When you’re born and raised in Texas, of course you’re going to miss Texas. I miss my family most of all. I miss my friends, my best friend. You know, it’s just like any other kid would miss their family and their friends and just being in their own bed, in their own warm bed, watching cartoons or whatever on Saturday mornings.”
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Sounds like the kid may have never wanted to play in the first place and when I got hard he dipped out. That's fine, but don't expect for the team and those who want to be there to not move on without you.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Sounds like the kid may have never wanted to play in the first place and when I got hard he dipped out. That's fine, but don't expect for the team and those who want to be there to not move on without you.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

excuse me?

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