UNC is clear-cut favorite to win basketball NC

They have said that many times. Let the man-love of UNC begin.
yes they have, but now that all of the studs are back, it's probably now true. They have a couple losses that will hurt a little, but the frosh adds likely make up the difference.

Put it this way, if Hansbrough continues to be officiated as he was for the vast majority of last season, they have to be the odds on favorite.
They have a couple losses that will hurt a little, but the frosh adds likely make up the difference.

They only lost 2 players off their entire roster from last year: Quentin Thomas, who was their 3rd string point guard, and Surry Wood, who was a bench warming forward. Quentin Thomas is replaced by Bobby Frasor, who was the 2nd string point guard last year before he nuked his knee. Surry Wood played a grand total of 34 minutes last year. Somehow, I don't think they'll miss him.
They only lost 2 players off their entire roster from last year: Quentin Thomas, who was their 3rd string point guard, and Surry Wood, who was a bench warming forward. Quentin Thomas is replaced by Bobby Frasor, who was the 2nd string point guard last year before he nuked his knee. Surry Wood played a grand total of 34 minutes last year. Somehow, I don't think they'll miss him.
I thought they lost a backup center.
I thought they lost a backup center.

They did have Alex Stepheson, a 6-9 backup forward, transfer. Therefore, you're correct that they actually lost 3 players - two to graduation and one transferred out. However, Stepheson was behind Deon Thompson already, and UNC has two five-star big men coming in as freshmen.
yeah Lawson was the only one that I really thought might not comeback..other than that they should have a very solid team...their D still needs to take it up a notch though.
I know UNC gets hyped alot by the media...but honestly...now that everyone's back...won't it actually be legit hype this year....

I mean...what other team out there compares to what they're bringing back and bringing in with recruiting?

I think we could, maybe Memphis, possibly UCLA....I know any Dukies out there will say they do but they're just dreaming...

I think as long as the hype for them is in regards to this year then anything they get is legit....they are hands down the best team coming into this year...

The only way I could see the hype getting out of hand is if people start calling them the best team ever....that will most likely be a far fetched claim
It's hard to think of anyone who will compete with the heels this year--maybe louisville, and Connecticut has got back all of their good players, including the good center. If he develops more of an offensive game this year, the huskies will be tough. Hansbrough is a joke--nice player but he flops more than a reserve high-school point guard.
It's hard to think of anyone who will compete with the heels this year--maybe louisville, and Connecticut has got back all of their good players, including the good center. If he develops more of an offensive game this year, the huskies will be tough. Hansbrough is a joke--nice player but he flops more than a reserve high-school point guard.

It never ceases to amaze me how perspectives vary from person to person...

You obviously don't care for Hansbrough so you say what he does is flopping...

I was born and raised on UT football in the fall(mothers side of the family) and UNC basketball in the winter (fathers side) so what I see is a player who gets beat to death every game and still manages to keep his composure enough to average 20 and 10...

I'm not going to debate this topic with anyone because I know I'm as biased for Hansbrough as many on here are biased against him....

But I challenge anyine on here to seriously watch him play...even when he doesn't have the ball....and then tell me he's flopping and not actaully getting mauled night in and night out
Hansbrough is the worst flopper this side of Paul Pierce, and it's not close. I do watch, a lot.
It never ceases to amaze me how perspectives vary from person to person...

You obviously don't care for Hansbrough so you say what he does is flopping...

I was born and raised on UT football in the fall(mothers side of the family) and UNC basketball in the winter (fathers side) so what I see is a player who gets beat to death every game and still manages to keep his composure enough to average 20 and 10...

I'm not going to debate this topic with anyone because I know I'm as biased for Hansbrough as many on here are biased against him....

But I challenge anyine on here to seriously watch him play...even when he doesn't have the ball....and then tell me he's flopping and not actaully getting mauled night in and night out

Agreed. He sure receives a lot of bloody noses, cuts and black eyes for someone that's doing nothing but flopping. He takes a bigger beating than any player in the nation, and I watch every UNC game that is televised. Also, regardless of whether it's ACC officials or officials from other conferences, all officials are in agreement that he's getting pummeled.
Agreed. He sure receives a lot of bloody noses, cuts and black eyes for someone that's doing nothing but flopping. He takes a bigger beating than any player in the nation, and I watch every UNC game that is televised. Also, regardless of whether it's ACC officials or officials from other conferences, all officials are in agreement that he's getting pummeled.

You are very biased if you cant see how ofton he flops:swoon3:
blaime I wouldnt waste my time trying to change the minds about UNC around here..just sit back and watch the haters whine every game UNC wins..it's entertaining!:)
Yeah...broken noses, bruises, busted lips....those are all serious indications of flopping....
he shoots about 423 FTs per night and you're acting as if the officials don't look out for the guy. They just don't call every single flop he makes and I'm guessing that those times when he gets beaten on with no calls is because of the overdone flopping routine. 6'9" 250 lb guys don't get shoved around as easily as he appears to be shoved around.

Most of the broken nose type stuff I've seen comes from going for loose balls and is player control type stuff.
he shoots about 423 FTs per night and you're acting as if the officials don't look out for the guy. They just don't call every single flop he makes and I'm guessing that those times when he gets beaten on with no calls is because of the overdone flopping routine. 6'9" 250 lb guys don't get shoved around as easily as he appears to be shoved around.

Most of the broken nose type stuff I've seen comes from going for loose balls and is player control type stuff.

I would agree.
he shoots about 423 FTs per night and you're acting as if the officials don't look out for the guy. They just don't call every single flop he makes and I'm guessing that those times when he gets beaten on with no calls is because of the overdone flopping routine. 6'9" 250 lb guys don't get shoved around as easily as he appears to be shoved around.

Most of the broken nose type stuff I've seen comes from going for loose balls and is player control type stuff.

I am in total agreement about his foul shots...he goes to the line as much as anyone in the country...

All I'm arguing here is that he doesn't do that by flopping...he goes to the line because he spends 95% of his time on the low block and he plays basketball like its rugby....and so do the people guarding him...hence all of the foul shots

Does he get some favorable calls? I would say sometimes...

But to insist that he is simply a flopper is ridiculous...

And I don't remember saying that he doesn't get his due from the officials...I was simply defending him when someone else on here called him a flopper
I called him a flopper and firmly believe that. Again, most of the calls that he doesn't get are due to the flopping and it's likely to get worse for him this season.

There have been myriad better post players in college ball who were fouled incessantly, but never had reputations as floppers. Ralph Sampson was fouled every trip down the floor, but figured out how to live with it without lying on his back constantly.
I'm a UNC fan, but I agree w/ BPV on this one.

But maybe we should cut him a little slack. He can leap frat buildings in a single bound. :p

I am in total agreement about his foul shots...he goes to the line as much as anyone in the country...

All I'm arguing here is that he doesn't do that by flopping...he goes to the line because he spends 95% of his time on the low block and he plays basketball like its rugby....and so do the people guarding him...hence all of the foul shots

Does he get some favorable calls? I would say sometimes...

But to insist that he is simply a flopper is ridiculous...

And I don't remember saying that he doesn't get his due from the officials...I was simply defending him when someone else on here called him a flopper

Then tell us the reason that the people being guarded by him , playing the same way , " RUGBY STYLE " arent going to the foul line as much. PLEASE DONT TELL ME HE'S THAT MUCH BETTER BECAUSE HE WOULD'VE BEEN PICKED UP BY A PRO TEAM IF HE WERE . I'M SURE THE PRO SCOUTS PROBABLY SAID BOY GO BACK TO SCHOOL UNTIL YOU CAN LEARN TO STAY ON YOUR FEET:eek:lol:
I called him a flopper and firmly believe that. Again, most of the calls that he doesn't get are due to the flopping and it's likely to get worse for him this season.

There have been myriad better post players in college ball who were fouled incessantly, but never had reputations as floppers. Ralph Sampson was fouled every trip down the floor, but figured out how to live with it without lying on his back constantly.

Not to mention Shaq , , those were fouls , not the tic tac stuff burough goes to the line for:yes:

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