Morgan reported that approximately eight years ago, he contacted then head men's basketball coach Roy Williams to ask him whether he could provide gifts to graduating seniors or those student-athletes who had exhausted their eligibility. According to Morgan, Williams told him to contact the KU compliance officer to ask that question. Morgan reported that he called the compliance office and spoke to a woman he assumed was the director of compliance, but whose name he could not recall. Morgan reported that he asked the woman whether he could provide benefits to men's basketball student-athletes who had either graduated from the University or had exhausted eligibility that year. Morgan reported that he was told by the director of compliance (At that time, the director of compliance was Janelle Martin; however, Morgan did not recall that name even after being presented with it.) that no benefits could be provided to student-athletes while they were still enrolled in school and receiving institutional athletically related financial aid. Morgan reported that the compliance director also told him that he "can't do anything now" but when they finish their eligibility, and their last scholarship check from the University had cleared, they could be provided with gifts from representatives of the institution's athletics interests.