First, its heroin, not heroine. A heroine is the female version of a hero.
Second, I read the article and didn't see anything in it along the lines that "we are to support the heroine industry." It just says that we are going to spend our time and money blowing up the refining centers rather than burn the fields and that we have determined that burning fields here and there really isn't putting a dent into the drug trade such that it isn't worth the dough we spend on it.
This is why Obama got elected -- because it was time for some thinking leadership to take over. You will note that, so far, Obama has apparently heeded the advice of the military advisers on the substantive issues in Iraq and Afghanistan at every turn, sometimes to the consternation of the left.
I can understand your desire to find something to bitch about with him, but its going to have to be a lot better than this.[/QUOTE]
We already touched on the misspell there big man.
You were misleading in your response. Not surprising you are clearly a man and lawyer who has so engrossed himself in sophism that you no longer know what the truth is any more. 19% is a dent big guy. When you are talking about millions to billions 19% is a pretty big dent. And why not do both destroy factories and fields. I mean the article is painting the picture in a certain light. An average joe can see how absurd it is not to just consider doing both.
So you think a commander and chief should just do what military leaders think is moral and correct? Hello Hugo Gator or Kim Jong-Gator
He is a thinking man yet he lets the military do his thinking for him? Again this makes no sense.
And how is that you understand I need to find something to bitch about? I was hoping when he was elected he would not be what I feared. That he would be an effective leader. I am an American. Any American would want someone who is leading are country to do well.
At this point, he must remove himself entirely from the middle east process. He has fallen out of favor with all sides. At least Bush had the support of the Israelis. He has empirically done nothing to help our economy as it continues to slide. Yet, he says wait and it will improve. So we continue to wait. I hope he is made to look good here. No one who is right minded wants the economy to be bad.
He has applauded Putin and basically sided with a sociopath and massmurderer. Now maybe it helps us in the short term with some economic issues. In the long run, Putin will betray us and this puts in an interesting position with countries that counted on us to hold our moral ground.
I do not have the time or patience to make the list, as it has become so long, of all the incompetence and amoral behavior exemplified by this presidency.