Univ of Tennessee to launch CRT center



A Verified Danny White Plant
Oct 10, 2006
U. Tennessee to launch CRT center, require professors commit to DEI for tenure | The College Fix

Hopefully the legislature shuts this down.

A slate of diversity plans filed by individual schools within the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will require some professors to commit to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices to gain tenure, create a new critical race center on campus, and embed diversity-based curricula throughout the university, according to plans obtained by The College Fix.

“We will identify all current classes in which race and racism are principal focuses and work with Faculty Senate and Undergraduate Council to highlight or require those classes in Vol Core,” reads the diversity division’s proposal.

The university’s libraries in their diversity plan vow to “examine library fines and fee-based services for students to determine their efficacy and equity.”

The College of Nursing proposed to “increase awareness of cultural competence through the consideration of a policy for recognition of non-Judeo-Christian holidays.”

There is one positive action item:

Perhaps the most unique proposal, however, came from the Haslam Business School, which considered programs to attract more military students as “diversity.” The school suggested implementing a Military Visit Day, enhancing promotion of current military students on the College of Business website, and creating a military recruitment video.
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U. Tennessee to launch CRT center, require professors commit to DEI for tenure | The College Fix

Hopefully the legislature shuts this down.

A slate of diversity plans filed by individual schools within the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will require some professors to commit to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices to gain tenure, create a new critical race center on campus, and embed diversity-based curricula throughout the university, according to plans obtained by The College Fix.

“We will identify all current classes in which race and racism are principal focuses and work with Faculty Senate and Undergraduate Council to highlight or require those classes in Vol Core,” reads the diversity division’s proposal.

The university’s libraries in their diversity plan vow to “examine library fines and fee-based services for students to determine their efficacy and equity.”

The College of Nursing proposed to “increase awareness of cultural competence through the consideration of a policy for recognition of non-Judeo-Christian holidays.”

There is one positive action item:

Perhaps the most unique proposal, however, came from the Haslam Business School, which considered programs to attract more military students as “diversity.” The school suggested implementing a Military Visit Day, enhancing promotion of current military students on the College of Business website, and creating a military recruitment video.
That last proposal won't fly. What that crowd says "diversity," they mean diversity along the basis of some kind of identity (race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.). They don't mean diversity along other lines, such as philosophy/thought or personal background.
U. Tennessee to launch CRT center, require professors commit to DEI for tenure | The College Fix

Hopefully the legislature shuts this down.

A slate of diversity plans filed by individual schools within the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will require some professors to commit to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices to gain tenure, create a new critical race center on campus, and embed diversity-based curricula throughout the university, according to plans obtained by The College Fix.

“We will identify all current classes in which race and racism are principal focuses and work with Faculty Senate and Undergraduate Council to highlight or require those classes in Vol Core,” reads the diversity division’s proposal.

The university’s libraries in their diversity plan vow to “examine library fines and fee-based services for students to determine their efficacy and equity.”

The College of Nursing proposed to “increase awareness of cultural competence through the consideration of a policy for recognition of non-Judeo-Christian holidays.”

There is one positive action item:

Perhaps the most unique proposal, however, came from the Haslam Business School, which considered programs to attract more military students as “diversity.” The school suggested implementing a Military Visit Day, enhancing promotion of current military students on the College of Business website, and creating a military recruitment video.
My theory is that the Feds gave the Haslams a back room deal in which the haslams would help push the left’s agenda in exchange for not charging Jim with all sorts of crimes during that rebate scandal.
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My theory is that the Feds gave the Haslams a back room deal in which the haslams would help push the left’s agenda in exchange for not charging Jim with all sorts of crimes during that rebate scandal.
That’s as good a theory as any. Mine is simply we got a bunch of idiots in charge up there on The Hill. They probably aren’t the first major public university heading down that path but they certainly won’t be the last.
Fake news. I’ve been told CRT is just something to rile up the right. No one in education is really pursuing it.
U. Tennessee to launch CRT center, require professors commit to DEI for tenure | The College Fix

Hopefully the legislature shuts this down.

A slate of diversity plans filed by individual schools within the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will require some professors to commit to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion practices to gain tenure, create a new critical race center on campus, and embed diversity-based curricula throughout the university, according to plans obtained by The College Fix.

“We will identify all current classes in which race and racism are principal focuses and work with Faculty Senate and Undergraduate Council to highlight or require those classes in Vol Core,” reads the diversity division’s proposal.

The university’s libraries in their diversity plan vow to “examine library fines and fee-based services for students to determine their efficacy and equity.”

The College of Nursing proposed to “increase awareness of cultural competence through the consideration of a policy for recognition of non-Judeo-Christian holidays.”

There is one positive action item:

Perhaps the most unique proposal, however, came from the Haslam Business School, which considered programs to attract more military students as “diversity.” The school suggested implementing a Military Visit Day, enhancing promotion of current military students on the College of Business website, and creating a military recruitment video.
Nonsense. Tennessee must commit to uniformity, inequality and exclusion. It appears Laura Ingraham would be on board.

They waited until January so they could get that last year end gift........and it probably was the last gift.
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My theory is that the Feds gave the Haslams a back room deal in which the haslams would help push the left’s agenda in exchange for not charging Jim with all sorts of crimes during that rebate scandal.

Alexander was the hinge pin with this.

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