Update on Gallion Trial



Oct 21, 2004
Judge is reviewing motions about what and what will not be sent to jury trial. NCAA has asked for a summary dismissal and of course Team Gallion is pressing forward for all charges to be sent to the jury.

Per John Falkenberry (sp?), a lawyer doing analysis on the Slimebaum show:

1) Some defamation claims could likely go forward.

2) The conspiracy charges are not likely to go forward.

He reviewed the briefs from both sides. Before reading them, he felt there was no legal merit for the conspiracy charges. After reading the briefs he is more convinced.

As we have all seen though, experts' opinions of what WILL happen aren't always accurate.

Of course, all the callers to the show are inventing various legal scenarios to get Tennessee but the lawyer is refuting them.

What's amazing is the arguments seem to be "the way we were caught was a conspiracy involving Fulmer, Roy Kramer, the NCAA etc." The fact that they were caught cheating (big time) while still on probation from previous violations seems to be a non-issue! :blink:

It's also been interesting to watch the change over the last few years from "we didn't do anything wrong" to "the violations were minor but the Albert Means stuff is all fabricated" to "schools can't control boosters and it was a conspiracy that exposed us". :eek:lol:

Of course some on the edge have postulated that Fulmer and Roy Adams actually paid Lynn Lang and that Logan Young was framed! Or entrapped!

It's gonna get wild! :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol:
wow this is old and boring. can we please stop talking about him!!!
I dont see how you can blame someone else for your own actions. Whats even more crazy is that they admitted to the violations and accepted the penalties, been found guilty, but yet they are innocent.

Gallion is about as cool as herpes.
OK. And if they (bamatrash fans AKA Gallion) are right, then the next STING operation, that busts the neighborhood Crack dealer is also a conspiracy of the Police Department, DA's office and neighbors.

Bunch of damned idiots with UA degrees (written in crayola crayons, I might add).
Word of advice if you are travelling to the bammer game this fall. Roll up your windows when approaching the Tuscalooser city limits. Many have had accidents there before as you could get hit in the head with a UAT diploma as you drive through.
Looking at the Bama sites....they can't get enough of it while no one else really gives a rats ass
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN@Jun 27, 2005 12:43 PM
Word of advice if you are travelling to the bammer game this fall.  Roll up your windows when approaching the Tuscalooser city limits.  Many have had accidents there before as you could get hit in the head with a UAT diploma as you drive through.

:dlol: Hand them out like Aunt Bee's pickles..... :eek:lol:

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