Upset by ESPN



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Why is it when Tennessee players get into some trouble ESPN has to broadcast it over and over again, while when another team has someone suspended they seem to just "mention" it.

I have seen 3 different articles in 2 days on ESPN's page about the vols suspensions. One telling us of the suspension. The second stating fulmer wasn't sure what he was going to do about the suspension. The third reporting Foster's apology for the suspension.

Its like they are keeping everyone updated on our suspensions. I know its the kids' fault for getting in trouble, but lets be fair and only report it as much as you report the other teams suspensions.:realmad:
I blame ESPN for the war in Iraq, Global Warming, and tension in the Middle East.
I find Foster's apology/explanation to be very PRO Vol, explaining to a lot of folks what really happened. I sure hope that the people who called for these players to be kicked off the team feel like idiots right now.
Make sure your players don't get in trouble and you will not have to worry about people broadcasting it.
I think we all know that ESPN is behind AIDS and high gas prices. Correct me if Im wrong, but I think it was ESPN on the grassy knoll
i heard ESPN was testing nukes in North Korea and even had some pointed at the University of Tennessee.
Why is it when Tennessee players get into some trouble ESPN has to broadcast it over and over again, while when another team has someone suspended they seem to just "mention" it.

I dislike ESPN just as much as the next guy. But I think the real reason it seems this way to you (and me) is because when the Vols come on, our ears perk up a little. I seem to recall when that OK qb got in trouble or FSU qb last year, they got just as much press if not more. I think, in some ways, it is a compliment to the program.
Aw, cmon now Milo. We havn't had an ESPN thread in a day or two. Besides, ESPN really does hate us :)
Depending on who you ask, ESPN hates every team in the country except Notre Dame.

EDIT: Scratch that, I'm sure the Domers are trying to relate in some way their non-televised game to ESPN.
Or Southern Cal.
I watch a fair amount of ESPN... And as far as I can tell, USC has dropped off the ESPN map since the loss to Oregon State. It's been all Big East since then, but rightly so since it seems the best four teams in that conference are all playing eachother in the last few weeks here.

You guys, ESPN's only bias is towards ratings. USC got love because it's a wildly successful program in the US's juggernaut market. Notre Dame has a gigantic built-in market, nation wide. ESPN's business isn't balanced sports coverage, it's making money.
It's been all Big East since then, but rightly so since it seems the best four teams in that conference are all playing eachother in the last few weeks here.

Exactly . . . and not coincidentally a few of those games are Thursday night ESPN games.
I meant, that seems to be the main point of college football discussion on ESPN shows week-round.
who gives a S@#$, they are bored reporters that love to write about a great win or a fantastic loss. And more importantly they love to see a team or player fail, it makes ratings. And yes you can blame all the worlds problems on ESPN. They are Satan incarnate

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