Why is it when Tennessee players get into some trouble ESPN has to broadcast it over and over again, while when another team has someone suspended they seem to just "mention" it.
I have seen 3 different articles in 2 days on ESPN's page about the vols suspensions. One telling us of the suspension. The second stating fulmer wasn't sure what he was going to do about the suspension. The third reporting Foster's apology for the suspension.
Its like they are keeping everyone updated on our suspensions. I know its the kids' fault for getting in trouble, but lets be fair and only report it as much as you report the other teams suspensions.:realmad:
I have seen 3 different articles in 2 days on ESPN's page about the vols suspensions. One telling us of the suspension. The second stating fulmer wasn't sure what he was going to do about the suspension. The third reporting Foster's apology for the suspension.
Its like they are keeping everyone updated on our suspensions. I know its the kids' fault for getting in trouble, but lets be fair and only report it as much as you report the other teams suspensions.:realmad: