No reason to be afraid of good competition
Exactly. Marshall would be an upgrade for the league. also, I like the guy. I was really wanting UT to hire him back in the day. mainly because I really like bball, and I can remember the misery of the houston era when i was a student.
They say he killed it in the interview, but Dickey was all Buzz. i felt like UT made a huge mistake and time proved right. i've followed his career since then. UT screwed up not hiring him, and thus the Karma.
As a UT grad I'm happy when my alma mater does well, but I can't describe myself any longer as a fan (atic) since my emotional stability is not tied to UT's success. I don't decorate rooms of my house in idolatrous fashion, or think that if I wear a tin foil hat, paint an orange T on my chest, clinch my fist, squint my eyes, and hope with all my heart, that it will affect the outcome of any game.
Cuonzo is a great guy, but no way he deserved a major job before Marshall. In fact, Cuonzo wishes he had the resume Marshall has put together.
Marshall would be a huge upgrade for a league that sucks other than UK. Let's face it, UT finished 2nd in the league and they didn't make the tourney. The league needs help. Rising tides lift all boats.
not wanting a competitor school to hire a good coach is the biggest loser attitude anyone can have. Either Cuonzo was the right hire, or just another mediocre, 'defense first' (Can't coach offense) trod and plod, hack and slap coach who will end up like Stansburry.