UT AD Breaks Even

Finally we will have the money needed to hire Gruden!

Jk, I'm 100% Butch Jones

What are you talking about? Boosters passed the offering plate around. Peyton and the Haslam family had the money ready. A little Pilot probe is what killed the deal. But we can be patient.

Just wait....FL game Butch comes out through the T and rips off the mask straight Scooby Doo style. It's Gruden. Soon. :)
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Well look what happens when "booger eater" has to give back some of what he stole from the UTAD over the last six years! Now just kick him out of UT so we can move on.
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We are on the rise to the top!

What's the payroll of former coaches now?

Who knows. The article said that $7.5 million was used to buyout the coaches contracts. If that was done in one lump sum or spread out of years is unclear. Regardless, the buyout will not be reflected on the books moving forward. Which is good... I guess.

I would imagine that it will be spread out of years.

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