UT/Oregon travel packages?



Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
I looked through the ticket thread and only saw a couple of threads about tickets only. In years past the university has offered travel packages. Is there one or any that you all know of? Looking to get a group from Nashville to go. Thanks!
They offered packages flying out of TYS, BNA, and MEM. They all were rather expensive compared to what you can find on your own though.
All Seasons Travel does a great job. They are out of Birmingham and have a couple of packages. I have traveled w/ them a couple of times. We lost both times, but it was still fun being w/ a bunch of Vol fans.
I heard a rumor (unconfirmed as a fact) that there will be a "gathering" at Thompson-Boling for Vol fans to watch the game in a game atmosphere.
Don’t know if this helps. Just trying to return some of the kindness I have experienced on VN. Such as in the past when I asked for info prior to my Neyland visits.

I’m a shameless budget hunter even when I don’t have to be. So for folks Oregoning for the game, maybe the following suggestions are useful.

You can’t be too early when plane fare shopping, there’ no such thing. So shop now online. Start with airline websites to get a feel for what they charge for the flights on dates you want your round-trip. Then haunt the discounters like Hotwire, KAYAK, Travelocity, Priceline and so on. Compare rices and make your pick.

Another trick I used was to book flights but didn’t always work was to look at charter flights. You’d be surprised at how many small time flyers using smaller prop driven planes like Beechcrafts, Cessna Grand Caravans (or Amphibians), Cessna Cargo Master, any of the twin engined Diamonds. There are a number of small jet craft that are competitive price-wise also. I preferred the twin engines because they have greater range which means fewer and shorter stops. They tend to (my opinion) be owned by people who take greater care to maintain them in top condition because being very costly they are owned by people who can afford them, take pride in them, and are often better pilots. One such source can be found at: Private Jet Charter | Jet Hire Cost | Air Charter | UK | USA | Europe

Positives: Shorter stops, usually for fuel only. No running to another part of the terminal to catch a connecting flight. No lost luggage cause it stays on the same plane and you tote it. Fewer jackass passengers to endure. You can choose to arrive at either a major airport or a municipal airport. I find municipals preferred because you are often right there in town so a friend or taxi is a short ride to a hotel or home. These services tend to be more personal and will email or phone talk with you in a non-generic manner. You can plan flights with friends and such so you are all on the same plane.

Negatives: Ride is at lower elevation so tends to be more bumpy. Space can be a bit cramped depending on type of craft. Often no amenities like meals. May be noisier because engine is closer to you. Weather is a serious factor for small craft so you may get diverted or delayed.

When you exit the plane TAKE GREAT CARE to not walk into a spinning prop or behind a jet engine still running. You’ll die. It amazes me how every year despite explicit warnings how many people, even in the military die this way. Most of these flyers simply won’t open the door and allow you to exit until their engine is 100% off. But assume nothing, just KNOW. I can’t even begin to stress this enough.

What about safety records? Dunno, you have to explore that yourself but again that's why I prefer dual engine craft over single engine. If necessary, the duals can fly on one engine.

Advice: Go with a bona fide agency as opposed to a bush pilot type individual.

Makes sense if you live in Knoxville or Tennessee. Out of state fans may find this fine service hard to use. Using my bargain hunting, I have flown roundtrip cross-country for as low as $99, tax included. While I doubt you could get a bargain that low now, it wouldn't be much higher. Why not that low now? They take on more fees and other bogus charges now. But private flyers are still cheaper.
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