UT-University of Thugs



Junior Member
Oct 20, 2004
I was quite amused to turn on ESPN News yesterday and learn that, yet again, two Tennessee players were in trouble with the law. While this is not a rare occurence for Volunteer players to be arrested, I did find it extremely funny the how Fulmer handled the two players involved. The player who actually fired the shot, the player who endangered lives, only got suspended. Why? Because he is a starter and Fulmer might need him to win. Meanwhile, the player who owned the gun, that took no part in firing the gun, was kicked off the team. Why? Because he was a backup and not as valuable to Fulmer. Shows a lot about the kind of coach and program you Vol fans support. Anyway, Alabama will run a train through Tennessee for the second straight time in Neyland Stadium on Saturday, and I can't wait to be there for the second straight time to see it. Finally, here is a song for you. To the tune of "Rocky Top."

I lost all my teeth on Rocky Top early on in my life. I'm a man who loves my family so my sister's my wife.

I get liquored up on Rocky Top 'fore I lay me to bed. I wake up to chicken hollars and bovines lickin' my head.

Rocky Top, you'll never be, home sweet home to me. *** you Rocky Top(whew), go to hell Tennessee, go to hell Tennessee.

Sounds funny coming from convicted cheaters. Are you bowl eligible yet? :pepper:

Vols do it best!
Again you bammers need to get your facts straight. The player that was kicked off the team was not a backup. In fact, you could almost say he was not a player. He was on medical hardship. The ONLY punishment you can give that guy is to "kick" him off the team.... essentially, remove his scholarship.

And from my trips to Alabama, the shooting guns in the air is a nightly ritual. Yup, drinking beer on the front porch, watching the bug zapper, shooting guns, and doing donuts in the front yard in the pickup truck.... just watch out for all the jacked up old cars and other obstacles in the front yard.
Rolltide if your going to talk smack at least leave out the vulgar language.If it's your age level then I understand but if your an adult,grow up.
Rolltide, before you start posting public material on the internet, you might just want to do a little somethin' somethin' called CHECKING YOUR FACTS. We love our Vols enough that we might let posts like this bother us were it not so filled with inaccuracies. Come back and see us when you have some clue as to what you're talking about :withstupid: .
Man another Inbred from Bama has escaped from his mama. Quick somebaody call Jerry Springer!
And they wonder why we don't like Alabama (with all due respect to good folks that have joined recently).
Originally posted by RollTide1221@Oct 20, 2004 2:13 PM
I was quite amused to turn on ESPN News yesterday and learn that, yet again, two Tennessee players were in trouble with the law.  While this is not a rare occurence for Volunteer players to be arrested, I did find it extremely funny the how Fulmer handled the two players involved.  The player who actually fired the shot, the player who endangered lives, only got suspended.  Why?  Because he is a starter and Fulmer might need him to win.  Meanwhile, the player who owned the gun, that took no part in firing the gun, was kicked off the team.  Why?  Because he was  a backup and not as valuable to Fulmer.  Shows a lot about the kind of coach and program you Vol fans support.  Anyway, Alabama will run a train through Tennessee for the second straight time in Neyland Stadium on Saturday, and I can't wait to be there for the second straight time to see it.  Finally, here is a song for you.  To the tune of "Rocky Top."

I lost all my teeth on Rocky Top early on in my life.  I'm a man who loves my family so my sister's my wife.

I get liquored up on Rocky Top 'fore I lay me to bed.  I wake up to chicken hollars and bovines lickin' my head.

Rocky Top, you'll never be, home sweet home to me.  *** you Rocky Top(whew), go to hell Tennessee, go to hell Tennessee.


I guess we should have paid our players more... stepped it up to Tide standards. Then we could end up with model citizens like you have in your program. FYI - both players will be removed from the program by the end of the week.

Originally posted by allvol@Oct 20, 2004 2:21 PM
And from my trips to Alabama, the shooting guns in the air is a nightly ritual.

You're right in Alabama shooting a gun up in the air wouldn't be an incident which would attract police attention, so Shula wouldn't have had to punish the players.

Kinda funny, shooting guns is ok in Bama, but reporting violations is not.
Originally posted by allvol@Oct 20, 2004 2:21 PM

And from my trips to Alabama, the shooting guns in the air is a nightly ritual. Yup, drinking beer on the front porch, watching the bug zapper, shooting guns, and doing donuts in the front yard in the pickup truck.

Yea, right. And you backwoods Tennessee people with your moonshine and three-legged dogs living up in the mountains is a sight to see itself.
Originally posted by RollTide1221+Oct 20, 2004 3:04 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (RollTide1221 @ Oct 20, 2004 3:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-allvol@Oct 20, 2004 2:21 PM

And from my trips to Alabama, the shooting guns in the air is a nightly ritual.  Yup, drinking beer on the front porch, watching the bug zapper, shooting guns, and doing donuts in the front yard in the pickup truck.

Yea, right. And you backwoods Tennessee people with your moonshine and three-legged dogs living up in the mountains is a sight to see itself. [/quote]
You just described Sand Mountain....... Alabama&#33;
Originally posted by allvol+Oct 20, 2004 4:15 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (allvol @ Oct 20, 2004 4:15 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by RollTide1221@Oct 20, 2004 3:04 PM
@Oct 20, 2004 2:21 PM

And from my trips to Alabama, the shooting guns in the air is a nightly ritual.  Yup, drinking beer on the front porch, watching the bug zapper, shooting guns, and doing donuts in the front yard in the pickup truck.

Yea, right. And you backwoods Tennessee people with your moonshine and three-legged dogs living up in the mountains is a sight to see itself.

You just described Sand Mountain....... Alabama&#33; [/quote]
:eek:lol: :eek:lol: :eek:lol:

Allvol deftly moves from stats to geograghy.
Originally posted by allvol@Oct 20, 2004 1:21 PM
And from my trips to Alabama, the shooting guns in the air is a nightly ritual.  Yup, drinking beer on the front porch, watching the bug zapper, shooting guns, and doing donuts in the front yard in the pickup truck.... just watch out for all the jacked up old cars and other obstacles in the front yard.

Hey&#33; I know that neighborhood&#33; You were in Awburn&#33; And when ya drive through, ya can hear the theme song to &#39;Sanford & Son&#39; playing in the background. But I didnt see any pickup trucks there...just tractors parked outside of &#39;Toomer&#39;s Corner&#39;. :dlol:

And shoot...we didnt pay any players&#33; They transferred before we had a chance&#33; Guess they got a better offer. :pepper:

Seriously what made the news last night is really small potatoes and nothing to get too bent out of shape over. we&#39;ve had players get caught stealing car stereos, robbing banks, doing drugs, etc. It isnt the various programs that is at fault. It&#39;s these D@&#036;# thugs and hoodlums that our schools have to deal with...all of em wanting a hand-out for themselves and their mamas. :(

Ok, off my soapbox for now. I now leave you to your regularly-scheduled flame throwing. ;)
Tidefan, you&#39;re much too reasonable to be a Tide fan. You sure there&#39;s not a little orange under all that crimson? ;)
Originally posted by Tidefan+Oct 20, 2004 5:05 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Tidefan @ Oct 20, 2004 5:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-allvol@Oct 20, 2004 1:21 PM
And from my trips to Alabama, the shooting guns in the air is a nightly ritual.  Yup, drinking beer on the front porch, watching the bug zapper, shooting guns, and doing donuts in the front yard in the pickup truck.... just watch out for all the jacked up old cars and other obstacles in the front yard.

Hey&#33; I know that neighborhood&#33; You were in Awburn&#33; And when ya drive through, ya can hear the theme song to &#39;Sanford & Son&#39; playing in the background. But I didnt see any pickup trucks there...just tractors parked outside of &#39;Toomer&#39;s Corner&#39;. :dlol:

And shoot...we didnt pay any players&#33; They transferred before we had a chance&#33; Guess they got a better offer. :pepper:

Seriously what made the news last night is really small potatoes and nothing to get too bent out of shape over. we&#39;ve had players get caught stealing car stereos, robbing banks, doing drugs, etc. It isnt the various programs that is at fault. It&#39;s these D@&#036;# thugs and hoodlums that our schools have to deal with...all of em wanting a hand-out for themselves and their mamas. :(

Ok, off my soapbox for now. I now leave you to your regularly-scheduled flame throwing. ;) [/quote]
Very good post.I applaud you.
Originally posted by Vol 4 Life@Oct 20, 2004 6:17 PM
Tidefan, you&#39;re much too reasonable to be a Tide fan. You sure there&#39;s not a little orange under all that crimson? ;)

I agree. Something just isn&#39;t right. :D
Actually Tidefan represents the TRUE Bama fans, instead of the bammer trash that think of a lawyer as a football hero. I have respect for Alabama and it&#39;s fans, but it is the a-holes on both sides that make us look bad.
Originally posted by Volstorm@Oct 20, 2004 9:31 PM
Actually Tidefan represents the TRUE Bama fans, instead of the bammer trash that think of a lawyer as a football hero. I have respect for Alabama and it&#39;s fans, but it is the a-holes on both sides that make us look bad.

Perfectly said. :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Volstorm@Oct 20, 2004 8:31 PM
Actually Tidefan represents the TRUE Bama fans, instead of the bammer trash that think of a lawyer as a football hero.  I have respect for Alabama and it&#39;s fans, but it is the a-holes on both sides that make us look bad.

Very well said&#33;&#33;&#33; :worship:

I am truly one of the Biggest Volunteer Fans, and I live in Tuscaloosa. I know first hand the truths and rumors. Have seen it with me own eyes I have&#33;&#33; Support your team&#33; Whoever it is&#33;&#33; But If ya gonna talk trash, you better know what your talking about, and be ready to back it up.

So I guess having your starting quarterback at the time Alvaros i believe was his name, all I remember is the window licker smeared the eye black all over his face, was kicked off the team for undisclosed team rules violations. Little of the Wacky weed in your pee pee there Brandon??? Hmmm..

Bottom line, these are kids. They make teenage mistakes.

But if ya wanna start throwing rocks, I gotta a ton of em&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :machinegun:
Real Bama Fans are respectable ad deserve our respect but these other Inbreds don&#39;t and they need to go back to their sisters so they have someone around who has less intelligence than them.
no convicts on the bama roster thats true...theyre all directin traffic at the talledega race in a deputy&#39;s uniform...I never saw so many 6-5300 pounders in my life :lol:
Originally posted by ROLLTIDE@Oct 20, 2004 5:03 PM
I&#39;ve lived both places and Tenn. has twice as many rednecks, trust me.

? :bash:

You don&#39;t really know what your talking about. I really have lived in both places. I&#39;m from a split family.... split family = one parent is a Vols fan and one parent is a Tide fan. I made the correct choice, The VOLS&#33;, as did the rest of my siblings. I have relatives in both states. That is why I feel I can make a true assessment of the situation.
I just checked out rolltide dot com before i posted this, guess all the anti vol stuff i read put me in a mood. I realize there are many bama fans who deserve respect because they are mature decent folks who love their team and most of the vol slammin isnt really a dis against the vols but more to show support for bama. As for i dont know what im talking about...there your mistaken...many times ive been to the talledega race and redshirt freshmen from bama direct traffic at the race...ive seen em, talked to em

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