UTEP Game Online?



Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
I read the NBC Sports Network is showing it on AXISTV, which is channel 857 on Charter.

I don't have that Channel.

Anywhere else to watch it? Online?
If you go to these sites, do not download anything, because your computer will most likely have a virus or 20 if you do download something.
I've got Charter...and not the channel it is on. So I'm hoping I can find a stream online. Any help is appreciated.
Wiziwig.tv | Live sports schedules. Watch free streams and the best sports events live on your pc.

This is what I use. It gives a bunch of links to sites that do stream it (presumably without ads, but I have AdBlock installed for Firefox, so I don't see any ads to start with). Some are more high quality than others.

ATDHE | ATDHE.net | Free Sports TV

This is another site a lot of people use. The layout sucks, but the streams are usually pretty nice quality. Once again, there may be ads, but I don't see them. (and I think this site has a "no ads" section for streams that don't have any ads)

If any of these sites say you need to DL some plugin, do not download it. You don't need to. Other than that, they're relatively safe to use. I've used them for 2 years now without any real issues.

VN Store
