Vaccine or not?

I’ve never called you a moron. It seems you may be a liar, given you first claimed you haven’t attacked anyone and now seem to admit I’m correct.

So what’s your issue with the unvaccinated?
Antivaxers spreading misinformation
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I’ve never called you a moron. It seems you may be a liar, given you first claimed you haven’t attacked anyone and now seem to admit I’m correct.

So what’s your issue with the unvaccinated?
And thank you, you are respectful, I appreciate that.
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Antivaxers spreading misinformation

You specifically called the unvaccinated stupid. Not the unvaccinated who are spreading misinformation. You’ve even proclaimed they’re “destroying healthcare”.

Do you stand by that last claim? Do you believe the unvaccinated are destroying healthcare?
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You specifically called the unvaccinated stupid. Not the unvaccinated who are spreading misinformation. You’ve even proclaimed they’re “destroying healthcare”.

Do you stand by that last claim? Do you believe the unvaccinated are destroying healthcare?
I believe that the hospitals have been pushed to the brink because of the unvaccinated.
Because all I hear from everyone here is how worthless the vaccine is and other lies.

The “vaccine” doesn’t keep you from getting or spreading COVID. Sorry facts hurt your feelings. The only thing it does is possibly keep you out of the hospital. Although that is changing. The vaccinated are spreading COVID and catching it at an alarming rate.
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I believe that the hospitals have been pushed to the brink because of the unvaccinated.

Do you hold the media and the doctor's to that same standard? There's multiple treatments for covid. How much time have you seen the media dedicate to promoting any of those? Instead they spend time attacking doctor's for treating covid.

Do you hold the doctor's who are not treating patient's and the media who puts pressure on them, do you hold them accountable for the hospitalizations?

Have you had COVID? If so, you'll be told "yes, you have covid. Come back if you start to die".

We also have to accept the "hospitalizations" are by the government's and even CNN's own admission are overblown because they test everyone who comes into the hospital for Covid regardless of their chief complaint.

So do you hold any of those people accountable? The one's who lied to you about hospitalizations, demonized treatments, and refuse to treat covid patient's? Or is the problem those mean ole unvaccinated people?
I believe that the hospitals have been pushed to the brink because of the unvaccinated.
Partially true, hospitals have had over 2 years to make contingency plans and they have not. Outside of the government complex everybody has made provisions to make this work. Hospitals are still trying to make minimal provisions to keep the bottom line uo
The “vaccine” doesn’t keep you from getting or spreading COVID. Sorry facts hurt your feelings. The only thing it does is possibly keep you out of the hospital. Although that is changing. The vaccinated are spreading COVID and catching it at an alarming rate.
It doesn't hurt his feelings at all because he completely disregards it.
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How about vaccinated misinformation??

Or their open suppression of data. I would challenge anyone to find an article from something they’d consider a mainstream source about the risks of vaccination and incidents of deaths/serious injury. To my knowledge it’s not out there
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Ronald McDonald House Sends Eviction Notices to Unvaccinated Children and Their Families

The methods of coercion to strongarm people into getting vaccinated have all been a disgusting breach in both personal freedoms and sanity, but this move by a Ronald McDonald House in Vancouver British Columbia may be the lowest attempt at doing it yet as it involves evicting a small child with deadly cancer.

Austin Fergason is the father of a four-year-old child with leukemia who received a notice from Ronald McDonald House Charities – British Columbia & Yukon chapter, that he had a month to move his child and his family out unless they submitted to the jab.

Ronald McDonald House Sends Eviction Notices to Unvaccinated Children and Their Families
EL be like

Corminaty isn’t available in the US. Only BioNtech is available.

It’s smoke and mirrors. The EUA was extended for BioNtech and a separate letter was issued for Corminaty’s approval. The only problem is that you can’t get the FDA option here.

I tend to read labels of things that will be injected into me and my family.
Well I have not had covid, have not missed work and spent Christmas with my for me

VN Store
