Vanderbilt RB Doster

I can recall an interview with Peyton Manning talking about rooming with Tee Martin. He said Tee would get calls in the middle of the night saying that so-and-so, a friend of his from childhood, had been gunned down.

There a places in this world that people come from, and there are places that a select few ESCAPE from.

Not all of the latter make it. The smart ones leave it behind like a bad dream. Some try to keep a foot in both worlds, but the street eventually wins.


Tragic. I'll be interested to learn details of the shooting -- the first article said it occurred near Ybor, which certainly has some pretty rough areas surrounding it.

To the young man's family: The thoughts and prayers of the Vol Nation are with you.
Its sad that so many young people today have to use violence to prove their manhood, or loyalty to a group.

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