We barely run the stack formations anymore, No advanced passing concepts, No motion plays. No Swing/Wheel/Pop pass plays to the RBs or TEs. No misdirection. Nothing.
Honestly Offense has been boring to watch for 2 years now, Huepel needs to bring new people in to Reimagine it or people are gonna start wanting him gone because with the way we're running rn and our track record of being trash onthe road its gonna be an 8-4 season at best.
The most common thing I've said during every damn game this year on my Tennessee chats - "Where's our stack formation? Why aren't we stacking up those receivers and motioning guys to get our mismatches?"
Every damn game. EVERY DAMN GAME.
Also with no tempo its giving the defenses time to read what we're doing. OSU and Arkansas both said it was easy to defend. This offense scheme works by causing coverage busts and catching defenses off guard scrambling created by tempo. When you're not going fast those things don't happen.The most common thing I've said during every damn game this year on my Tennessee chats - "Where's our stack formation? Why aren't we stacking up those receivers and motioning guys to get our mismatches?"
Every damn game. EVERY DAMN GAME.
So you think that none of the offensive coaches that are employed at UT would consider using motion if they felt it would help the offense?The offense became run first, and run again...Pass only if you have to...No man in motion to help Nico identify the defensive scheme for the play...This is on the coaches, and no one else.
We are/were very easy to defend...It appeared Ohio was in our huddle...No match for those guys...Our coaching was no match.