Vic Wharton - UT VIP & VFL


UT Hill Man

I ♥ Big Jugs
Jun 23, 2012
If you are interested in people making a big difference in the turnaround we are seeing, look no further than young Mr. Wharton

“He’s really been one of Tennessee’s most effective recruiters for this class, almost as much as a fulltime coach,” said Ryan Callahan, who covers UT recruiting for “He has really taken to the social media side of things and reached out to everyone he knows and some he doesn’t know."

Vic might be our secret weapon in recruiting and I say keep it up Vic, we're proud of you!!!:good!:
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When it's all said and done, Vic might turn out to have been the most important recruit of this class!

Speaking of recruits recruiting others, I wonder who that guy will be for the 2015 class as well as for the 2016 class. If Jack Jones and Mr. Cherry could take over the roles of 2014's Wharton/Kelly/Hurd, we could have half of the 2015 class signed up BEFORE 2014's NSD...:)
I'm pleasantly surprised at how much Wharton has done for the Vols already, but I'm even more surprised that an actual Tennessean writer has published such a nice piece of journalism about the Vols... even if it is kind of a back handed compliment to our coaching staff.
When it's all said and done, Vic might turn out to have been the most important recruit of this class!

Speaking of recruits recruiting others, I wonder who that guy will be for the 2015 class as well as for the 2016 class. If Jack Jones and Mr. Cherry could take over the roles of 2014's Wharton/Kelly/Hurd, we could have half of the 2015 class signed up BEFORE 2014's NSD...:)

This would be awesome. Back to back top 10 classes and we cannot be stopped, not the way CBJ gets it.
I'm loving the way several of these guys have bought in and are trying to recruit others to come along with them.
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Vic has been huge for us in recruiting this year. I think he's a big reason that Hurd jumped on board so early. No matter what he ends up doing on the field I'm very glad to have him as part of our team. He was with us from the beginning (1st commit of this class IIRC) and has done all he can to bring in the class that we have right now. A true VFL.
Enjoy it while we can.
Im sure the ncaa will make a rule against this too.

They'll try but then one of their lawyers will tell them it would be a violation of their 1st amendment. (That's still in effect isn't it or has Washington revoked that one...)
Man I'm thrilled to death to have him, Ali g with tk and Hurd, reposing for us. It's great to see some kids with the same type of passion a lot of the fans have. It just feels like special things are happening even though we havnt really won anything.

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