Video Games



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Nov 8, 2004
i see some of the people in here like the old game but anyone a fan of the new ones? What about NCAA Football 2005?
i like ncaa 2005, NFL Street, Tiger Woods Golf, ESPN College Basketball 2005.
NCAA 2005 is nice. There are a few things I wish they would have done with it, though...

More audibles on offense, and independent pass and block audibles on D
Better graphics; They have not been improved in years
Be able to pick a neutral field
im currently in love with espn football 2k5 and espn college hoops one of those people that think espn did a brilliant job with the game this year....hate to not seeing it coming back next very much looking forward to espn college football 2k6....should give ncaa 2006 a run for its money.....ncaa is a few updates and a roster update every year.....even if 2k6 isnt as good as ncaa this year (highly doubt it) it may kick EA in the pants until they make a better really really looking forward to the next-gen games......imagine these games but about 100 times better im excited
Originally posted by TNFanBornandRaised@Feb 19, 2005 5:37 PM
im currently in love with espn football 2k5 and espn college hoops one of those people that think espn did a brilliant job with the game this year....hate to not seeing it coming back next very much looking forward to espn college football 2k6....should give ncaa 2006 a run for its money.....ncaa is a few updates and a roster update every year.....even if 2k6 isnt as good as ncaa this year (highly doubt it) it may kick EA in the pants until they make a better really really looking forward to the next-gen games......imagine these games but about 100 times better im excited

Is the college hoops game not coming back or the NFL game?
Originally posted by milohimself@Feb 19, 2005 7:24 PM
NFL. EA Sports bought the rights to making NFL video games for the next five years.

I thought that was what I had heard.
Don't have an xbox. Got a ps2, n64, and gamecube at my house. Not to mention a gameboy sp. Rented jak and daxter yesterday and am trying to beat it right now.
It's actually not that hard. :pepper:
i wish i woulda went with xbox to begin with....ive never heard of any of my friends have a problem with them but ive been through 3 ps2 between me and my bro since it came out.....thats debating xbox2 over ps3 but im gonna try them both out probly.....yeah im upset at no espn football 2k6.....was really looking forward to them improving their game......they really work hard.....unlike EA who puts out freaking roster updates for a game every year with a few minor tweaks
We got an XBox. I like the ESPN football one and Tiger Woods golf. I also have an NCAA football but its old, 2003 I think. My hubby likes all the shoot em up games and my kids love Shrek 2 and Nemo! :D
Originally posted by checkerboard_charly@Feb 20, 2005 2:48 AM
dude the xbox sucks ass.

the games suck.

playstation rules all.

replying to your comments....HAVE YOU LIVED IN A BOX THE LAST 3 YEARS? i use to be on the bandwagon with you but the xbox wears the ps2 out....yeah a few games the xbox doesnt have thats the only reason to even keep a playstation......they mess up constantly.....and they look horrible compared to the xbox....the graphics are terrible next to it......maybe theyll do better with ps3 though.....i heard its gonna be crazy
Originally posted by duckman398686@Feb 20, 2005 10:49 AM
i hate the xbox's controller. it's way 2 big. you have to have 2 people to use it.

Are you still playing with the old controllers? Get a new one, man.

There are plenty of reasons to own a PlayStation...
Grand Theft Auto
Gran Turismo
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy

I know that the XBox has better graphics, holds up better and all that, but the fact is that Sony has exclusive rights to a LOT of good games, far more than the ones I just listed. Aside from that, both systems are cheap enough by now that I wouldn't think it unreasonable to buy both.
Originally posted by milohimself+Feb 20, 2005 3:22 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (milohimself @ Feb 20, 2005 3:22 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-duckman398686@Feb 20, 2005 10:49 AM
i hate the xbox&#39;s controller. it&#39;s way 2 big.  you have to have 2 people to use it.

Are you still playing with the old controllers? Get a new one, man.

There are plenty of reasons to own a PlayStation...
Grand Theft Auto
Gran Turismo
Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy

I know that the XBox has better graphics, holds up better and all that, but the fact is that Sony has exclusive rights to a LOT of good games, far more than the ones I just listed. Aside from that, both systems are cheap enough by now that I wouldn&#39;t think it unreasonable to buy both. [/quote]
I have both in my house. Since I play mostly sports games they are mostly available on both systems but you are right they each have some good exclusive games.
Well, my point was XBox, not so much... They have Halo and that&#39;s about it. Halo is probably gonna end up as my favorite game ever, but that&#39;s the only really notable exclusive game for the XBox. Everybody seems to forget that if it wasn&#39;t for Halo, the XBox would have been done within its first year. That game single-handedly kept Microsoft&#39;s investment above water for years.
Originally posted by milohimself@Feb 20, 2005 3:28 PM
Well, my point was XBox, not so much... They have Halo and that&#39;s about it. Halo is probably gonna end up as my favorite game ever, but that&#39;s the only really notable exclusive game for the XBox. Everybody seems to forget that if it wasn&#39;t for Halo, the XBox would have been done within its first year. That game single-handedly kept Microsoft&#39;s investment above water for years.

The only couple that come to mind for me are Halo, and Project Gotham Racing. But like I said I play mostly sports games... but I would think there would be a few others. How about NFL Fever.....:lol:. That was a pretty bad game.
Yeah. I won&#39;t deny it... I like playing football games a whole lot better on XBox than on PS2. The controller just seems to suit them better.

I&#39;m still waiting for the Shaq-Fu sequel <_<

Originally posted by milohimself@Feb 20, 2005 3:35 PM
Yeah. I won&#39;t deny it... I like playing football games a whole lot better on XBox than on PS2. The controller just seems to suit them better.

I&#39;m still waiting for the Shaq-Fu sequel <_<


That&#39;s hilarious. I think the SNES was the only game system that I didn&#39;t own...and thinking back I&#39;m not sure why?

I like the xbox contoller. I know most will disagree but I find it more comfortble than the ps2.
I&#39;m sticking with Madden, if been a fan since 99, in my opinion the series gets better every year. Right now though I&#39;m playing Ace Combat 5, and for anyone who&#39;s into flying games ought to pick it up :machinegun:
I&#39;ve been into games since the days of Pong. I was one the first kids to get Nintendo and the first Sega. I&#39;ve seen good systems and blown money on bad ones but I&#39;m still a big gaming dork at heart, even at 34. I bought PS1 the first week, loved it. It was one of the better systems made. Blew 500 bucks on 3DO that folded in two years. I bought Dreamcast the first week also and that has to be the most underrated system in the gaming world. I bought PS2 within the first month and while I liked it I wasn&#39;t too pleased with the graphics, my Dreamcast looked better. Then the Xbox, I waited 9 months before I took the plunge, and didn&#39;t even buy Halo for another 4 or 5 months later. The graphics were great but no game selection. Once I started reading about ole Bill Gates dumping 1 billion into Xbox Live, I knew the Xbox was going places. While the PS2 has more selections and some games are great but the Xbox has the replay ability of Xbox Live. Yes, I know Sony has online play also, but it&#39;s horrible. With Sony&#39;s online service, you pay for each game played. You also are playing online with dial-uppers which results in bad connections. That&#39;s why I think Microsoft has the upper hand going into the next generation of console wars. What can you say, the gaming industry makes more &#036; than Hollywood&#33; Crazy&#33;

Anyway, here&#39;s a list of some of my favorite Xbox games.

Halo 2
Rainbow 6 series
Project Gotham 1 and 2
Burnout 3
MotoGP 1 and 2 (3 coming this summer)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Splinter Cell.
Ghost Recon 2

I truly think this is the future of gaming and if Sony doesn&#39;t get with the program they could be steamrolled in the next few years. While the Xbox alone is good, it&#39;s Xbox Live that makes it such a wonderful experience.

Anyone on Xbox Live look me up.
Gamertag is Nash

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