Vietnam Veteran Memorial Vandalized

that's neat, my granddad fought in the korean war and my great granddad fought in ww2. very patriotic family
Considering most of the substance was on the actual walkway I wonder if this was even vandalism. It's a little odd someone would try to deface the sidewalk. And I agree, some of the comments posted on FR are a little ludicrous. Let's find out the facts before gathering a posse and threatening to hang someone or an entire group. Most vandals on military sites like to make known their name or group and make a better attempt to deface something. For all we know it was some homeless guy or the sanitation group walking along with a leaky bag. Let's lay of the kneejerk until we actually know some facts.
If it truly was intentional vandalism, how reprehensible.:disappointed:
I'd give cspin the benefit of the doubt, but Veterans' memorials are being vandalized in other areas. I don't think your "leaky trashbag" theory holds a lot of water since I doubt that the National Park Service allows the Memorial to be used as a pathway to the dump. - Local Veteran Fed Up With Memorial Vandalism

Vietnam Veterans Memorial defaced -, North Andover, MA


Corpus Christi, TX | KRISTV.COM |Beeville war memorial destroyed, veterans mourn

First of all you assume just because some other memorial was vandalized anything done to this was automatically vandalism. I'd give you the benefit of the doubt but I don't make broad assumptions and generalizations without having some facts first. I don't go accusing people of criminal activity until I have evidence. Bold statements with no proof lend little credibility.

I guess my theory although based on fact is over your head. Parks and memorials all over the country have trash cans in them. Unless they can use some Star Trek method of transport they have to go from point A to point B inside the parks. This could have been one of many things that are accidents. To automatically assume it was vandalism by the Left is absurd. Wait for the facts people. Thank God for due process in this country. If we let kneejerk reactions run the show most of us would be dead.
I never said it was vandalism "by the left", I guess you can make the inference based on the article linked to in the OP (I understand the possible effects of linking a freeper article, but it had much better pictures than the tiny one the WaPo article had). I've never been to the Mall in DC so i don't know how the park service has the trash receptacles arranged.

So no, your theory isn't over my head. I'm the last person on this board you need condescend to. If it turns out that this was an accident, I'll apologize to you and anybody you think I've defamed. However, if someone is busted over this, I'll look forward to your response.
Like I said, I'm waiting to find out the facts. So if it comes out that this was vandalism I will be more than happy to call for justice. I'm not sure what you would expect to hear from me. I'm just not rushing off to point fingers at people and automatically claim something that has yet to be proven. I'm not sure why you're stuck on one particular possibility I threw out there especially when I said it could be a few things. I'm not asking for any apology as well. I'm just tired of the kneejerk automatically blame the other side for all that is wrong when nothing has been determined. I googled this and see nothing but every Right Wing site out there automatically calling for heads and blaming every left wing anti-American group for this. Free Republic, Red State and even Michelle Malkin got in on the action. Of which I noticed Malkin tried to shoot down an updated Washington Post article from the 12th with a day older story from the Times. It helps to get updated information and pictures if you want to prove a point.

If anything the NPS indicated initially they did not believe it was vandalism. From a few reports they never even filed a report with law enforcement on the matter.

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