Vijay Singh -vs- Ernie Els


Billy Costigan

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
Looking at their stats this is about as close as a comparison as their has ever been in the history of golf, dating back over 100 years ago.

which guy do you think is the better golfer and why?
I think Els would trade both US Opens for 1 green jacket. They both have had some great golf spurts.
So ya'll don't think Els would trade a couple US Opens for a green jacket? Forget about skin color, look at their tournament records fro crying out loud. Singh is better.
So ya'll don't think Els would trade a couple US Opens for a green jacket? Forget about skin color, look at their tournament records fro crying out loud. Singh is better.

this has nothing to do with skin color and don't try to take the thread that way
Singh has been the better overall player and more consistent over the years.

Now, this is comparison thread is valid. Nice job

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