VN Congress at DowntownGrill

Feb 16, 2005
Hello Nationals, and welcome to GameWeek!!!

I'm just getting back in from vacation so am out of the loop a bit.
Plans were discussed earlier for an informal VolNational spirit(s) lifter at The Downtown Grille on friday evening. 7pm in the upstairs section was I believe the time and place....

So is everyone who previously said they were in, still gonna make it?
If the five or six who were already coming remain committed then I'll make the trip up I-75 friday. If not, I'll stick here in the scenic city.

I'd like to see this go forward. Not making definite plans 'til I know I won't be there alone.....
Hello Nationals, and welcome to GameWeek!!!

I'm just getting back in from vacation so am out of the loop a bit.
Plans were discussed earlier for an informal VolNational spirit(s) lifter at The Downtown Grille on friday evening. 7pm in the upstairs section was I believe the time and place....

So is everyone who previously said they were in, still gonna make it?
If the five or six who were already coming remain committed then I'll make the trip up I-75 friday. If not, I'll stick here in the scenic city.

I'd like to see this go forward. Not making definite plans 'til I know I won't be there alone.....
I'll certainly be there.
as for those of us that won't be able to make it...we expect pictures. y'all have fun, Go Vols, beat Cal, and have JD and coke for me.
as for those of us that won't be able to make it...we expect pictures. y'all have fun, Go Vols, beat Cal, and have JD and coke for me.
agreed and Ill add to that be safe...dont drink and drive. Thats good advice from a beered up poster whos welcome gets wore out on here from time to time.
I'll be there provided the boss still lets me take off early (long drive). If i'm out by noon I should be right on time. I'll be at the game no matter what.

BTW, Hat PM'd me and said he's buying the first round so get there early! :)
As long as Ernesto doesn't come calling, I will be there. The coast is great until a hurricane shows up.

Go Away Ernesto! Go Vols.
I might be there, not sure of the Friday night plans, yet...but I've been wanting to go back over to Downtown for a while.
I'll be leaving Memphis some time around 5:00 (6 eastern). By the time I get dinner, and make it through the inevitable traffic problem or two, it'll probably be 1am before I make it to Knoxville. I may have to miss out on Downtown. I'll still have my Mug Club keychain, just in case.
I'll be leaving Memphis some time around 5:00 (6 eastern). By the time I get dinner, and make it through the inevitable traffic problem or two, it'll probably be 1am before I make it to Knoxville. I may have to miss out on Downtown. I'll still have my Mug Club keychain, just in case.
Good luck. Getting through Nashville may be rough around White Bridge Road, but the construction on 40 near Briley is pretty much done. :rock:
It seems to me that eventually Volnation members should think about renting a couple of cabins for the weekend, Pigeon Forge,Gatlinburg area.My sons fraternity(MC) use to do that periodically.I may have a connection.Just something to think about.
It seems to me that eventually Volnation members should think about renting a couple of cabins for the weekend, Pigeon Forge,Gatlinburg area.My sons fraternity(MC) use to do that periodically.I may have a connection.Just something to think about.

I'm not spending the night with you crazy people. :glare:
It seems to me that eventually Volnation members should think about renting a couple of cabins for the weekend, Pigeon Forge,Gatlinburg area.My sons fraternity(MC) use to do that periodically.I may have a connection.Just something to think about.

You have a connection to hell?
My bad . . . I just have a visceral reaction to vacationing near Dollywood.
Well, I haven't been posting too awfully long. But, I will get into Knoxville from Boston around 5:00. I hope to come by to meet some of you if things work out. If not, I'll hear you on Saturday. Go Vols!!
Man you mods are downers. :lol:
I never said I was going to be there!:) I agree OWB, I wouldn't dare spend a night with some of these :crazy: people either.Maybe there should be a screening process.Contact to hell, pretty good GAVol!:) Of course my son's fraternity had mixers with the girls, I failed to add that tid bit of info.:)

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