Vol Fans Are Everywhere



Senior Member
Feb 8, 2005


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That is awesome!! I believe it. I live in South Louisiana and lately I have been seeing Vol fans around. I usually am the only one around with a flag on my house, but I went around the block the other day and there is a house with a big orange flag and a T on their truck just like mine!!!!!! Im rubbing off!!! :lol:
hey i live in florida and i was fully expecting gator/ seminol country, but it hasnt been so bad. I have about 100 tennessee fans at my school, which is cool becuase i go to a school with 2,000 kids.
Vol fans are everywhere.....I got family in Mizzou that are Vol fans.....Georgia family that are Vol fans....Vol fans are everywhere....
That's one of the great things about living here. Plenty of Big Orange flags on the houses, plenty of Power T tags on the front of cars.

Always good to see the VolNation growing.
I've seen some Tennessee swag around at school. Mostly on close friends of Ainge, but it counts for something, right?
Here in Dallas, we have a hardcore group of about 60 fans who show every Saturday to watch the Vols! Of course we've swelled to over 200 for Florida games and pay per views. It makes living outside the merry old land of Vols tolerable.

Nothing I like better than explaining to a Longhorn alumn why my school is the "REAL UT." :D
V4L is correct. There are power T's on cars all over the place down here. Guess the bammers must be getting nervous!
LOL......After we beat them twice this year if(this is saying if they win the west and I hope they do)they'll really going to hate us
You know what would be a nice idea (in keeping with the ever-procrastinated t-shirt idea)? Window decals. Maybe a simple, understated "Volnation.com." What do you guys think?
Ditto the decals....still waiting on the Tee shirts though. Gotta have one, maybe 2 if we do different colors! Thinking of putting my board ID on the Tees so you guys will know to avoid me at the games! :idea:
i live in east tennessee right now but im going to fort worth to goto school so chalk up another VOLS fan in Texas!!!!
Originally posted by TNFanBornandRaised@Feb 12, 2005 11:55 AM
i live in east tennessee right now but im going to fort worth to goto school so chalk up another VOLS fan in Texas!!!!

Welcome to Texas! When you get here, go to this link: dallasvols in order to find the game watching parties
I live in Arkansas and we have a few fans in my town of blytheville


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