Vol Fans superstitions.......



Mayberrys Pride
Jul 6, 2004
Do any of you Vol fans out there have any superstitions or rituals you do before a Vols game?
I have lucky shirts and if I wear a new shirt and we lose...I never wear it again (to a game anyway).
One of my weird ones is that if I am watching the game at home ,I never enter the room with my left foot.Now tell me that isn't whacky as hell.I have many many more.
Mountain Dew Livewires during the game. the only proble is they are about to quit caring them till next summer
I always wear the same jersey, until we lose. then I try and mix it up, and maybe buy a new one. I've had to mix it up a bit more over the past few years. :(

I also have a pair of lucky drawers...orange, of course. :D
If we are winning a game i don't change anything. The way I sit, stand or what I am drinking or eating. I also wear a new cap until we lose then change until we lose again. Needless to say I have quite a few caps in good shape.
i held my autographed tennessee hat in my lap .....until the auburn game ....lol
i might have to start entering the room w/ my left foot too.,....hahahaha :bow:
I watch a tape of UT beating the crap out of the weeks opponent sometime during the week. My VCR was messed up during Auburn week and that's the main reason we lost ;) I'm a little worried because I don't have a UT vs Ole Miss game on tape.
Originally posted by MyBloodRunnethOrange@Oct 12, 2004 6:50 PM
My VCR was messed up during Auburn week and that's the main reason we lost ;)

Every good fan has to step up and take some responsibility every once in a while. :lol:
I'm always going in the collegiate sport stores,so I always make it a point not to touch anything relating to the team we play.Before the Georgia game I accidently touched a Georgia jersey and I just knew I'd done a bad thing.I figured that game was a loss anyway so I touched all the Georgia stuff.Maybe I need to start touching all the other teams merchandise.
Otis and "THE BIG ORANGE PLAUGE!!!" call in the HAZMAT team!
I ware a lucky rubber band on my wrist and whare 2 Tennessee Wrist bands and we always cook the same thing if they win and if they dont lets just say i dont eat that stuff for a while :good:
Yep, me and a buddy from Murfreesboro (transplant) always partake a sip or two of Tennessee's Finest. We had a hard time finding it the last 3 or 4 years which probably explains our record. Oh, Tennessee's Finest =George Dickel!


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