vol sticks up for a gator ?


Fine Vol

Go Vols
Sep 15, 2006
A Little Boy Walked By With His Father Wearing Gator Shirts And A Vol Said Go Vols And Yelled At Them. I Was In The Bathroom At The Time And My Girlfriend Was Outside The Ut Bookstore And Saw This. When I Came Out They Were Kinda Debating What Had Happened. I Stuck Up For The Kid On This One, Gator Or Not. I Was Disappointed In My Fellow Vol Here. Congrats Gators . We Will Get You Next Year.
A Little Boy Walked By With His Father Wearing Gator Shirts And A Vol Said Go Vols And Yelled At Them. I Was In The Bathroom At The Time And My Girlfriend Was Outside The Ut Bookstore And Saw This. When I Came Out They Were Kinda Debating What Had Happened. I Stuck Up For The Kid On This One, Gator Or Not. I Was Disappointed In My Fellow Vol Here. Congrats Gators . We Will Get You Next Year.

Glad to see you put sense before stupidity.

To bad I can't say the same about Buckeye fans at the Texas game in Columbus last year, they would just have picked up spitting on the ladies there.
I just think this crap is like beating a dead horse. Every team has good fans every team has bad fans. We've been over it before. Whats the big deal? Seriosuly?

Tennessee had fans that are stupid, so does Florida. Do we have to get on here and tell every account of it? I mean was he comming in here looking for praise or what? Seriously?

I might look insensitive right now, but come on man.
I just think this crap is like beating a dead horse. Every team has good fans every team has bad fans. We've been over it before. Whats the big deal? Seriosuly?

Tennessee had fans that are stupid, so does Florida. Do we have to get on here and tell every account of it? I mean was he comming in here looking for praise or what? Seriously?

I might look insensitive right now, but come on man.

Have you ever been on a sports fan forum before? Every forum has every topic beat to death. If you can't handle it, you won't enjoy any forums ... ever.
Thanks for sticking up for the little kid. Regardless of your fan support for your team, there is no excuse for yelling at a kid who doesn't know any better and is just there to be with his folks and take in the sights and sounds. But all schools have them, including Florida. I think they ought to make people who drink before these games take a test to see how much of their own personal filters they've managed to lose in the process.
I know subjects get beat to death, but valid ones do such as:

The Running Game
Erik Ainge
O Line

This thread will be filled up with nothing but:

"Oh every team has good ones and bad ones."
"Good call"
"Way to stand up and show him"
"Good Job"

I'm sorry but in my opinion starting a thread stating how you stood up for a Gator fan being yelled at by a Vol fan and thats the only thing you really have to say in it to me is like saying "Hey look at me I did good please leave me praises"

Am I the only person here that belives that if I am I will shut up and I'm sorry I viewed my opinion on it.
Big Vol Nasty, no need to be quiet about it. I think as a Gator fan I have a somewhat different take on it. Most of what I read on here when it comes to fans going to this game is that UF fans were obnoxious and rude. Soem comment that they met a nice Gator fan, but most who bother to post are going to complain, right?

So anyways, when this fellow posts that there was a rude Tennessee fan and that he shouted him down, that makes it a little more even-handed to me and it makes a difference to my perception of what the atmoshpere was like.
Very true. Very true. lawgator

But the whole I'm a Vol fan, and I told another Vol fan to stop is to me, more of a reason to get praises.

It's like a football player going: Yeah this guy was running towards the end zone with the football so you know what I tackled him.

Whoever posted this did what they were supposed to do. It's not a matter of me saying he shouldn't have done it because I would have done it. I'd hope everyone here would have done it. Something just doesn't set right with me about comming and saying it here and trying to get praises and back pats.
Dynamite drop in.

But anyway.....

I'm not going to praise anyone here just end the whole thing on this

...Way to do.........what you should have done.

I'm not sure anyone even hinted you should. However, you didn't need to say anything at all. If he feels the need to praise himself publicly, you aren't going to change his personality by being rude to him on a forum. I feel the same way you do about the post, but I read it and went on with my day.
I'm glad the guy posted it and I thank him for his civility. I don't see anyone handing out awards here and I didn't really see him fishing for compliments. I think he was saying hey, it works both ways and if you want to compain about obnoxious Gator fans you've got to be consistent and decry the obnoxious UT fan, too.
Give the guy a break, I have seen much worse and more meaningless posts on here almost daily.
A Little Boy Walked By With His Father Wearing Gator Shirts And A Vol Said Go Vols And Yelled At Them. I Was In The Bathroom At The Time And My Girlfriend Was Outside The Ut Bookstore And Saw This. When I Came Out They Were Kinda Debating What Had Happened. I Stuck Up For The Kid On This One, Gator Or Not. I Was Disappointed In My Fellow Vol

Here's the problem, when does a female ever have to wait for the male to get out of a bathroom? It's the opposite.

Also, you were in the bathroom and may have missed some key evidence. He may have shot the Vol fan a bird or he could have called General Neyland a "commie", or worse yet he could have said that Danny Weuffel was a better QB than Peyton. Definitely the little JERK had it coming to him.:rock:

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