VOL Walk...



Nov 21, 2005
Alright VOL Nation I need some helpful advice... I've got tickets to the UT/AL game and will have some friends in town that have never experienced our little piece of heaven. I want them to get the full effect and that includes the VOL walk. I've personally never been and need some advice.

Where's the best place to find a spot close to the players? How many hours before kickoff should we find the best spot. etc. etc.

And, are there any other things we should do prior to the game besides sample great tailgateing parties and of course, sneeking in a few bottles of Jack.

Thanks everyone!
I'd go down to either side of Peyton Manning Pass about an hour to 45 minutes before the walk starts. The Vol Walk is typically about 2-2 1/2 hrs prior to kickoff.
If you want a spot really close to the players while they're standing still, get there really early and wait for them to come out. It's right there across from Stokely..

We just happened to be there one day and got pictures with Tony Brown and Kevin Burnett and a couple of others...
The Weds before gameday go to the below page. See "game day activities". This will give you a full schedule of the day with times. It's updated the Weds before the game. You can print out a schedule.

Game Day Activities
Like GaVol said, put up shop on Peyton Manning Pass. Get there early (30 minutes before is the latest ive been there and gotten a spot close to the road) and listen to the band. It always gets me pumped for the games.

I like tailgating on the strip. Usually I've gone to O'Charleys...its a party atmosphere. The parking lots behind O'Charleys usually have a keg party or two...pay 5 for all you can drink. There is also a liquor store in the same parking lot as O'Charleys for the Jack sneaking you mentioned, though I usually roll with vodka and sprite.
I like tailgating on the strip. Usually I've gone to O'Charleys...its a party atmosphere. The parking lots behind O'Charleys usually have a keg party or two...pay 5 for all you can drink.

I wouldn't put too much stock into this suggestion. O'Charley's has been closed for almost a year. I can't comment on any parking lot parties behind the run-down building.
Thanks for the great tips and the website too, I'll check it out prior to the Saturday. Go vols!
Last time I was there (Air Force) they had barriers on one side of the street. The other side didn't. I found it best to get right on the barrier. That way you can lean on it (To lunge out for high-fives and photo ops) and can't go any further. The other side looked to have way too much pushing and shoving.
I find a good place to be for the Vol Walk is on Johnny Majors Blvd. Right behind stokely athletic center. At the at Atheltic Center. That is where they drive the players in by buses. If you get there about 30-45 mins before the Walk you can see them get off the buses and walk in to Athletic Center then they come back out and start the Vol Walk. Its a great place and a lot of times there is not a ton of people there.
Stand near the Torchbearer side of Volunteer right before it turns onto Peyton Manning Pass if you want to touch the players and get really close. Prior to the Florida game, Trooper gave me a chest-bump. But they always stay on the sidewalk, so stick to your guns when people on the street are turned the wrong way.

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