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By Bill Kurelic, NN Recruiting Analyst
June 10, 2009
<img src="http://www.volnation.com/images/stills-kenny.jpg" align="left" style="padding:5px" />Encinitas (Calif.) La Costa Canyon star Kenny Stills is one of the country’s premier wide receivers. He has the list of scholarship offers to prove it.
“I have about 17 offers now,” Stills said. “Some pretty big ones have come in now like Florida, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Nebraska.”
Stills already had offers from Penn State, USC, Cal, Washington, Colorado, UCLA, Stanford, Boise State and some others.
“I somewhat have a top 10,” Still said. “It’s Oklahoma, Tennessee, Florida, USC, UCLA, Cal, Washington, Penn State, Colorado and Nebraska.”
Though Stills did not mention Penn State until near the end of his list, that doesn’t mean he isn’t seriously considering the Nittany Lions.
“Penn State will be the first school I set an official visit up with,” Stills said. “It will probably be when they play Ohio State. It will be the first visit I set up, but probably the last one I take since the Penn State-Ohio State game is pretty late in the season. I’m really excited to see what is going on out there.”
Stills is trying to get everything taken care of academically so he can graduate early if he chooses to.
“I’m trying to graduate early, but I’m really committed to our basketball team and I have a lot of other things going on, too,” he said. “So I’m not sure right now. I want to take my official visits early so I can graduate early if I want to.”
Stills said in addition to Penn State, he plans to schedule official visits to Oklahoma, Tennessee and Florida.
“I’ll save one other spot and see what happens,” he said. “I’m definitely going to take all of my official visits and go from there.”
The 6-foot-2 and 175-pound Stills caught 42 passes during his sophomore season. He caught 68 his junior season for almost 1,400 yards and 16 touchdowns.
<div align="center"><img src="http://www.volnation.com/images/stills-kenny2.JPG" /></div>
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June 10, 2009
<img src="http://www.volnation.com/images/stills-kenny.jpg" align="left" style="padding:5px" />Encinitas (Calif.) La Costa Canyon star Kenny Stills is one of the country’s premier wide receivers. He has the list of scholarship offers to prove it.
“I have about 17 offers now,” Stills said. “Some pretty big ones have come in now like Florida, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Nebraska.”
Stills already had offers from Penn State, USC, Cal, Washington, Colorado, UCLA, Stanford, Boise State and some others.
“I somewhat have a top 10,” Still said. “It’s Oklahoma, Tennessee, Florida, USC, UCLA, Cal, Washington, Penn State, Colorado and Nebraska.”
Though Stills did not mention Penn State until near the end of his list, that doesn’t mean he isn’t seriously considering the Nittany Lions.
“Penn State will be the first school I set an official visit up with,” Stills said. “It will probably be when they play Ohio State. It will be the first visit I set up, but probably the last one I take since the Penn State-Ohio State game is pretty late in the season. I’m really excited to see what is going on out there.”
Stills is trying to get everything taken care of academically so he can graduate early if he chooses to.
“I’m trying to graduate early, but I’m really committed to our basketball team and I have a lot of other things going on, too,” he said. “So I’m not sure right now. I want to take my official visits early so I can graduate early if I want to.”
Stills said in addition to Penn State, he plans to schedule official visits to Oklahoma, Tennessee and Florida.
“I’ll save one other spot and see what happens,” he said. “I’m definitely going to take all of my official visits and go from there.”
The 6-foot-2 and 175-pound Stills caught 42 passes during his sophomore season. He caught 68 his junior season for almost 1,400 yards and 16 touchdowns.
<div align="center"><img src="http://www.volnation.com/images/stills-kenny2.JPG" /></div>
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