In the series opener of a three-game weekend series at No. 2-ranked Vanderbilt, the Tennessee Volunteers were defeated in a 9-0 decision on Friday night at Charles Hawkins Field.
It's getting embarrassing... I really hope CDS can get us there.. Gotta start recruiting better. Bearden and Farragut aren't gonna win us championships on their own.
It's getting embarrassing... I really hope CDS can get us there.. Gotta start recruiting better. Bearden and Farragut aren't gonna win us championships on their own.
Too bad Chris beatts will be lost to the draft. We haven't had a catcher who can hit in over 3 seasons. Yes we did return most of the pitching staff but we have yet to replace Shultz, Maddux, and Smart on terms of hitting.
It's getting embarrassing... I really hope CDS can get us there.. Gotta start recruiting better. Bearden and Farragut aren't gonna win us championships on their own.