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If my cable company doesn't get this then I will just go dish.

I went Dish. Charter got outrageous with prices, too. No real complaints yet, except that they periodically threaten to lose stations (and we did lose A&E for a while), but they always get them back. Dish and DirecTV will do that, regardless of which company you go with.
Already have the big 10 network, so hopefully charter includes this to their sports tier.
Ill get around to it sometime by the debut of the network in August of 14

It may be to late by then - Direct is still bickering with the PAC 12 - so that was a year without it for fans out there with Direct -- so how many games that arent on ESPN stations are you willing to maybe miss ?
Comcast will definitely screw up over. Talked to them about lowering my bill, the guy said in three months your bill will go up $25 more. I told hell would freeze over before I paid that. Sucks I'm in an area where DirecTV & Dish have problems due to trees.
Done.......... May not get anything DONE around the house but at least I have my priorities right....:yes::zeitung_lesen:
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Comcast will definitely screw up over. Talked to them about lowering my bill, the guy said in three months your bill will go up $25 more. I told hell would freeze over before I paid that. Sucks I'm in an area where DirecTV & Dish have problems due to trees.

WTH ? did the flunky say why it would go up that much ?
Sure wish DeerPark would stop by the thread and give some insight as to the options -- its going to suck missing 5 or so games next season if I cant get this damn network.

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