vols media session 8/22/13

i do have to say i like him really well so far,of course game day will determine how good of a coach he is

Go Vols
It is refreshing to have a coach that knows what he is talking about.

I was amazed just now looking at a Dooley PC from last August to see how uncomfortable he was. I never saw it, but the guy always seemed on pins and needles. It came across as he knew he wasn't worthy of the position. I never thought that until now.
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I was amazed just now looking at a Dooley PC from last August to see how uncomfortable he was. I never saw it, but the guy always seemed on pins and needles. It came across as he knew he wasn't worthy of the position. I never thought that until now.
Hindsight is 20/20 :)
I enjoy the media sessions, but it's about time to stop all the talking and play some hard nose football!
It's Time to kick ass and take names...
Go Vols
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CBJ always seems to have a jacket on.
50 degrees and rainy? Jacket.
100 degrees, sunny and humid? Jacket

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