Vote for Fayton

Your link is for after the vote... It wouldn't let me vote, said I already had.
Looks like we are in second with 27% right now.
Me too, still UM 37%, Fayton 31%. Get out the vote!!!! Actually, now AND IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ON TUESDAY GUYS AND GALS! Don't forget it's our responsiblity to place our vote, regardless of who it's for (well, that's true for Tuesday, but today you HAVE to vote Fayton!)

Do you guys think the players are ever actually notified that they win these polls? Seems like there was one for Tinsley somewhere a couple of weeks ago and it got me wondering...
Tinsley was last week and we won a $5000 scholarship donation from ESPN for the school, so I would say Derrick knows.
Originally posted by DrVol1@Oct 31, 2004 10:26 PM
Tinsley was last week and we won a $5000 scholarship donation from ESPN for the school, so I would say Derrick knows.

cool! :thumbsup:
We just hit 33% compared to Michigan at 37% so we gotta get everyone we know to vote from every comp they can find. Surely Tennessee fans can get this one if we all try. :good:
Of course we can!!!!! ive told everyone i know!!!! :beer:
still at 33-37 michigan leading ...GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just thought I'd BUMP the thread back TTT. GO VOTE! UM has added another % point. 38%-33%
:pepper: Keep the votes comming guys! Vols 39% Meeechigan 35% !!!! :pepper:
Talk about doing the same thing at the same time! TNVF68, you don't have a spy cam in my office do you? :ph34r: :D
You might check your bathroom, too. . . . :moon2:

BTW, 52-27 now!!!
Originally posted by VinnyWho@Nov 1, 2004 3:55 PM
just added my vote... still 52% to 27% :lolup:

Sweet signature!!!
Originally posted by Tnvolfan68@Nov 1, 2004 4:47 PM
Ain't it great I spy everything...he he Tn 53% keep it going.


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