Voting in France. No paper ballots and voter IDs.

I just don't understand why these red states don't just go to all paper ballots after that robbery in 2020.
My gut instinct is that the companies that provide lots of jobs have told them they will pull out if they do. Look at what Ford has done in TN regarding their future plant. If TN had allowed certain language in recent laws regarding vaccine and mask mandates, Ford was going to walk away. We are being held hostage by these companies and the liberals sitting on their boards.
My gut instinct is that the companies that provide lots of jobs have told them they will pull out if they do. Look at what Ford has done in TN regarding their future plant. If TN had allowed certain language in recent laws regarding vaccine and mask mandates, Ford was going to walk away. We are being held hostage by these companies and the liberals sitting on their boards.

Good f FMC. Piece of **** making company.
Hmmmm so in France you have to show ID to vote, cannot use mail in ballots or voting machines. Using the same system that’s been used for generations. Interesting.

Voting in France: Paper ballots, cast in person; no machines

That's the case for Europe, generally and overwhelmingly. Why Do Most Countries Ban Mail-In Ballots?: They Have Seen Massive Vote Fraud Problems by John R. Lott :: SSRN

The UK mirrors Austria. Click on the spreadsheet to see full screen.



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also, no electoral vote.
True but that's for a very different reason. The in person voting that is required in France and most other nations is because it prevents cheating. Makes you wonder why both parties wouldn't insist on it to prevent the other from cheating? Keeps both sides honest.
The Electoral college was implemented to give all 50 states more power in the federal system and prevent candidates from just campaigning in the big cities and running up the totals there.
My gut instinct is that the companies that provide lots of jobs have told them they will pull out if they do. Look at what Ford has done in TN regarding their future plant. If TN had allowed certain language in recent laws regarding vaccine and mask mandates, Ford was going to walk away. We are being held hostage by these companies and the liberals sitting on their boards.

True, but I'm not sure COVID will be a thing when the company opens so it's fighting a weak fight. If it is then we do need a mask mandate. Let Ford ask for something asinine then they can get run out on a rail.
Hmmmm so in France you have to show ID to vote, cannot use mail in ballots or voting machines. Using the same system that’s been used for generations. Interesting.
So are you presenting the France electoral system as one we should follow, or are you just picking out a couple things you like and ignoring the rest of it?
So are you presenting the France electoral system as one we should follow, or are you just picking out a couple things you like and ignoring the rest of it?

I am just saying the most important aspect of the voting process is done the old fashioned way. The way it’s supposed to. But I am sure you are in favor of mail in ballots. Should we follow the method of requiring all voters to have ID and much less main in ballots? Yes. Should they be counted by hand? Yes.

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