Wait... I thought Social Security was solvent until 2035?



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
Looks like the "lockbox" will be empty by August 3rd. :crazy:

Obama Threatens August Social Security Checks in Debt Ceiling Gamble

Obama said in an interview with U.S. television network CBS that checks to recipients of the Social Security retirement program may not go out in early August if he and congressional leaders do not agree on a debt deal.

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue," Obama said, according to excerpts of the interview released before its broadcast.

"Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it," Obama said. He said veterans checks and disability benefits could also be affected without a deal.
We already got to the bottom of obama's fear mongering in the debt limit thread.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Obama was too arrogant to take his case to capitol
hill but instead summoned members of congress to
the White House, today he stormed out of the meeting
in a fit of anger like the spoiled child he is.


Milo fails to mention Obama's fear mongering involves
outright lies.

His sec of the Treasury is also lying through his teeth
about debt default, unlike a lot of other countries, it
is unconstitutional for the USA not to pay it's debts,
that is one reason the dollar has always remained so

Not that Obama gives one whit about the US contitution

Gibbs said we're good because the system is non-Capital driven.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
they still fail. How many times can one photoshop on Obama and his ears to be elephant sized before they get bored? Apparently more than 3 billion.
we don't have any money in the ss account? where is it? we don't even have enough money remaining that we have to wait until collections are deposited each month before we can pay our retired seniors, no reserve. our founders knew this republic would work only if our leaders were honest, they were right!!!!!!!
Just wanna point out this thread started in 2011 and is still on page 1.

Seems like this is something that really moves the needle lol
Let it fail.

Cant keep everything on life support. People will be better off in the long run being independent of the government. We have grown so comfortable that any temporary pain is unacceptable. We cant grow or survive if a little suffering stops us in our tracks.
Let it fail.

Cant keep everything on life support. People will be better off in the long run being independent of the government. We have grown so comfortable that any temporary pain is unacceptable. We cant grow or survive if a little suffering stops us in our tracks.

You say that only because you are a still wet behind the ears pup that wouldn't lose much.
Therefore he needs to pay his SS money in for the rest of his working life and then receive nothing for it.

I would say yes to ending SS and giving up everything I have put in if the .gov exempted me from taxes once I turned 65. But we know they ain't going to do that.

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