I never said I was against American military bases or deployments. But if we are allowed to have them then other countries are as well. Including Russia. The problem is you have guys on this thread who think that the U.S. and its so called "allies" are the only ones allowed to have any military presence in the world. Not only is this an arrogant attitude to have but it is wrong as well.
And we've gone over this before. You and others had no problem with U.S. involvement in Ukraine previously which they helped with the coup that ousted Yanukovych. He wasn't playing ball the way the U.S. and European political elite wanted him to so they helped get rid of a democratically elected president. Which is the reason you saw Donetsk and Luhansk form independence movements and why Crimea decided on their own not to be a part of Ukraine. You guys can try to spin it any other way but those are the facts and how things transpired. The U.S. military industrial complex also needs these conflicts as well in order to sell their products.
Speaking of Saudi involvement in Yemen. How much in weapons have the U.S. sold Saudi Arabia that the Saudis have been using over the years to attack Yemen. So the U.S. is involved in Yemen just like they are in Ukraine. We don't have to have troops on the ground to be involved.
And once again the independence movements in Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia were not encouraged by the Soviet Union nor Russia. Russia did not invade any of those regions either. You are grasping for straws in that argument because western media and politicians do not approve of those independence movements. So you're simply going along with what they're saying without researching the full history and original history behind those conflicts. Which you refuse to do.
Lol. I gave you the entire timeline of the Transnstrian war. You started off saying the russians werent involved at all until I gave you the name of the biggest, but not only, battle they interfered with. You also falsely claimed it only started after the fall of the USSR, when it got deadly in 1990 and continuous combat started in late '91 before the fall of the USSR at the end of '91. You continue to skip right past your argument that their freedom movement began in the 80s, but fail to realize that the Russians/Soviets were in charge at that time and made sure their freedom wasnt a thing.
Here are a list of all known Russian military deployments.
Russia’s Extraterritorial Military Deployments - New Lines Institute
I havent seen anyone complain about Venezuela, Sudan, Belarus, Madascgar, the C.A.R. Syria, Krygstan, Kazahstan.
And this doesnt even cover their temporary deployments like in Nicargua this year, Cuba, and I am sure plenty of others.
^^^^^We dont care about Russia being in other countries. Heck we dont even care when they are in our hemisphere if that makes a difference to you.
Where we care is where Russian troops get involved and a different country loses land and lives. Note the AND, it's a very big AND. It's not acceptable when we do it, not sure when the last time that happened though, and it's not acceptable when Russia does it. It's not ok when Russia does it, it's not ok when America does it. I will say again because you refuse to actually read what I say. ITS NOT OK WHEN WE DO IT, ITS NOT OK WHEN RUSSIA DOES IT.
If you are bothered by one side doing it, you should be bothered when the other does it. I can say i hold that same standard. Can you? I gave you at least 5 nonborder examples where I dont care that Russia has bases or deployed troops, no one here has expressed anger at those deployments. And it's because those countries arent losing lives and or land to the Russians. But you take exception to every single base we have.
If it's not an occupation of any of these lands, why are Russian troops still there, when Russia is at war and having to conscript 300k men????? None of these other lands are currently undergoing strife or warfare. The Russians arent needed, but they are there, holding the nations hostage, making puppets, and disrupting the regions.
It's bad when we do it, but for some reason you cant find one critique of Russian foreign policy. You really going to try and sit there and say you believe that 100% of Russians actions in all these countries are on the up and up? I dont care what the US did, I already said they/we are bad. I want to see you apply some actual critical thought to Russian foreign policy as a stand alone statement. So far you have been completely avoiding it, fighting every single bit of dirt pointed out when it comes to Russia.