Good article but not unflawed. One of the biggest flaws is lumping the bombing of population centers to destroying infrastructure; they are very different things. Destroying infrastructure like the power grid does far more than attempt to demotivate the masses. It hampers production and movement of weapons and systems. In our case (and most other developed countries) try pumping fuel from underground tanks or moving it with a destroyed electrical grid. With interstates run through cities you can shutdown an entire regional transportation grid by blocked thoroughfares in cities - no gas and accidents from no traffic control. Imagine the damage by simply destroying I-24 and I-75 coming into Chattanooga. At that point wiping out the I-24/75 junction is almost a moot point. Other cities are similar - a very flawed transportation system. The same goes for railroads. You may run an air defense system on generators, but you have to have the fuel for the generators.
Further, even a backward country like N Vietnam, while not so much reliant on electrical power or oil, still had to have access to fuel and munitions to continue the war. That SHOULD have meant bombing the ports and docks rather than stupidly trying to intercept dispersed supplies on the move. Docks and ports are generally near or coexist with population centers. The other thing the article doesn't really address is that those population centers often include the people who make the ports and the factories work. Not a case for bombing cities, but cities can be collateral damage.
The other point not really covered is what is the sense in destroying a country you want to occupy for economic reasons? For example in a different case, China wants the technology Taiwan has; but what good is it to destroy the technology to capture a destroyed island?