I believe Ive hit a nerve. Also believe you're lashing out. Not everything in the world has an agenda.
Yes, I was probably wrong on my Richard G West hot take. But, I do think too many people have too many SM accounts.
Id also like to add that at no point in my nearly two decades on VN, said i'm not a sucker. I firmly believe a bigger moran than anyone.
Man, my suggestion for you. Man to man, is to not make everything into a social political thing. This having to lump everything into one category as 'woke', is dismissive. If you go around the world, in life, indignant. Looking for a fight. Sooner or later you'll find one.
Hope you have a great day, brother.
Get bent, dude. You're the one who opened this can of worms, whenever no one had yanked your string, saying I was fat shaming...trying to look like something you're actually not.
wtf man? you went full on nuclear fat shaming straight away?
And, I'm the one looking for a fight?? I'm the one whose nerves are hit??
Go tell it to someone who doesn't see right through you. "Social political thing"?? I have not once said a single word about politics, woke, or anything of the kind. YOU are the one using terms like "shaming" and "stasi"...
If my stance is woke, whatever that is - other than a catch phrase of the stasi - then so be it.
Your reply to someone else.
Terms like "shaming" and "stasi" are very much political language...terms YOU have used this morning, not I. You've done it before. The last time you and I had a tit for tat, you brought up politics...whenever no one else had said anything of the sort; it's only because that's the lens YOU look at the world through.
All I have done is point out your hypocrisy and bullsh!t, and you don't like it. You may be successful twisting others up by changing around what has been said; but, that don't work on me, guy, I'm not the one. Now, we can keep going, and my nerves truly start to wear thin, which means I will really begin tearing you down; or, you can back away from this bear, and not come back into it's vicinity. You choose...
Hope you get a clue...brother.