Wars, genocide, reparations, religion, etc (split from recruiting forum)

The American Marxist stasi that runs our government, media, entertainment, and academia is the embodiment of woke, brother. They proliferate woke. Woke is a mind virus created and spread by God complex commies in order to unmoor people from common sense Western civilization and culture so that in the near future those people will be less likely to resist the purposeful degradation of their way of life in favor of autocratic global Marxism. Look what you made me do. I know I shouldn't even say anything but it's like Jesus said once, "...if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." Good day.
The American Marxist stasi that runs our government, media, entertainment, and academia is the embodiment of woke, brother. They proliferate woke. Woke is a mind virus created and spread by God complex commies in order to unmoor people from common sense Western civilization and culture so that in the near future those people will be less likely to resist the purposeful degradation of their way of life in favor of autocratic global Marxism. Look what you made me do. I know I shouldn't even say anything but it's like Jesus said once, "...if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." Good day.
I dont believe that Jesus cares about any worldly label we have placed on anything.

Again, going through life believing in deep state this, and dismissing institutions of learning because its that. Gotta be a long life on this Earth.

I dont know much man. Really, but best thing Ive heard anyone mention all day is Jesus. None of us, not me. Sugar. Or Ulysees can ever have enough of that.

I believe Ive hit a nerve. Also believe you're lashing out. Not everything in the world has an agenda.

Yes, I was probably wrong on my Richard G West hot take. But, I do think too many people have too many SM accounts.

Id also like to add that at no point in my nearly two decades on VN, said i'm not a sucker. I firmly believe a bigger moran than anyone.

Man, my suggestion for you. Man to man, is to not make everything into a social political thing. This having to lump everything into one category as 'woke', is dismissive. If you go around the world, in life, indignant. Looking for a fight. Sooner or later you'll find one.

Hope you have a great day, brother.
Get bent, dude. You're the one who opened this can of worms, whenever no one had yanked your string, saying I was fat shaming...trying to look like something you're actually not.

wtf man? you went full on nuclear fat shaming straight away?

And, I'm the one looking for a fight?? I'm the one whose nerves are hit??

Go tell it to someone who doesn't see right through you. "Social political thing"?? I have not once said a single word about politics, woke, or anything of the kind. YOU are the one using terms like "shaming" and "stasi"...

If my stance is woke, whatever that is - other than a catch phrase of the stasi - then so be it.

Your reply to someone else.

Terms like "shaming" and "stasi" are very much political language...terms YOU have used this morning, not I. You've done it before. The last time you and I had a tit for tat, you brought up politics...whenever no one else had said anything of the sort; it's only because that's the lens YOU look at the world through.

All I have done is point out your hypocrisy and bullsh!t, and you don't like it. You may be successful twisting others up by changing around what has been said; but, that don't work on me, guy, I'm not the one. Now, we can keep going, and my nerves truly start to wear thin, which means I will really begin tearing you down; or, you can back away from this bear, and not come back into it's vicinity. You choose...

Hope you get a clue...brother.
So are we just going to completely ignore that Arkansas basketball has a gay love triangle going on in their locker room?
I can't say what I think about it without getting kicked off VN...it disgusts me.

But I wholeheartedly believe in peoples right to live how they see fit...I would fight for their right to be as gay as they wanna be...just like I believe in and will fight for my right to be disgusted by what I believe is perversion and say so.

That oddly doesn't go both ways.
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Most college kids don’t. That percentage shrinks significantly with male athletes in the south.
You're saying people in the south are more bigoted? Especially young, generally, black kids?

I don't agree. Regardless, fragility shrinks with experience.
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So is being gay...according to them it is not a choice and they can't help it..well then neither is being disgusted and revolted by it.
I don’t care what they do, but I also don’t want to hear about it either. What’s going on at arkansas would have destroyed any of my baseball teams, and my dad agreed for his teams. I don’t see how anyone is shocked by that.
I don’t care what they do, but I also don’t want to hear about it either. What’s going on at arkansas would have destroyed any of my baseball teams, and my dad agreed for his teams. I don’t see how anyone is shocked by that.
I don't either...but..such is the world we live in.
I never said it was right, but it’s a reality and I’d rather not have a locker room implosion over it given the choice.
Sure, we don't want locker room problems. So get rid of the bigot(s), of course.

It's like saying bringing on black players would cause a problem at Wyoming. That's someone's problem...but not the players coming onto the team. That much seems obvious. The fragile folks should be removed.
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Sure, we don't want locker room problems. So get rid of the bigot(s), of course.

It's like saying bringing on black players would cause a problem at Wyoming. That's someone's problem...but not the players coming onto the team. That much seems obvious. The fragile folks should be removed.
You will never have 100% of people be okay with it. It’s not the same as race. At best you’ll have everyone accept it happens but would rather not see it like most are today. Anything like this would destroy a locker room in all cases. Just a fact.
So is being gay...according to them it is not a choice and they can't help it..well then neither is being disgusted and revolted by it.
Sorry if I don't nod along with "I'm just a bigot, it's how I was born" 😒

I don't even want to know how someone would be revolted by a lesbian. Or a gay man. That's wild. But I digress.

If someone is black, it's not their choice either. But if someone is disgusted by a black team member, "WeLp ThEy CanT hElP ThEiR dISgUSt".

Smdh. Move along.
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Sorry if I don't nod along with "I'm just a bigot, it's how I was born" 😒

I don't even want to know how someone would be revolted by a lesbian. Or a gay man. Just sitting there being a HUMAN BEING. That's wild. But I digress.

If someone is black, it's not their choice either. But if someone is revolted by a black team member, "WeLp ThEy CanT hElP ThEiR dISgUSt" smdh.

Move along.
Like I said..typical
you must not know rednecks from the north....
Yeah I know they exist, but I've met and been friends with and met a bunch of black dudes who are verry homophobic. And in general southerners ain't about it either. But each demographic has improved for sure.
I am going to strongly suggest a change of convo as it relates to acceptance. There are better forums to hash out that topic.

Gay, straight, Black, white, republican, democrat, Flying Spaghetti Monster worshipper…it don’t matter. We’re all Vols. Take the conversations to the off topic threads.

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