Wars, genocide, reparations, religion, etc (split from recruiting forum)

Rick Monday stealing the flag from the commies trying to burn it on the field. It used to be a rare and bad to burn the American flag in the old days. If he stopped them today he probably would be arrested for violating a degenerates right to free speech.
Now we have entire college campuses full of terrorist and it is tolerated. Lou Gehrig is rolling over in his grave over what is happening at Columbia. In the words of Stonewall Jackson, "Kill em, Kill em all." History lesson complete.
How dare this country tolerate free and protected speech!

He'd likely be arrested for theft which would be correct. Illegal actions have consequences
How dare this country tolerate free and protected speech!

He'd likely be arrested for theft which would be correct. Illegal actions have consequences
Uh... not any more they don't. Turn on the tv. Have you been under a rock for the last 4 years?
Uh... not any more they don't. Turn on the tv. Have you been under a rock for the last 4 years?
They still do. You can't use the same post to say there are no consequences while also lamenting the fact a criminal act would be charged. You just want to pick and choose enforcement which also shouldn't happen. Figure out your stance
They still do. You can't use the same post to say there are no consequences while also lamenting the fact a criminal act would be charged. You just want to pick and choose enforcement which also shouldn't happen. Figure out your stance
You're right. There are consequences for generally law abiding citizens but there are none for many serious and violent criminals.
A man and a woman can assault a shopkeeper with a deadly weapon and suffer no consequences while the shopkeeper is arrested for defending himself.
A veteran is arrested and jailed for murder for defending himself and others on a train from a man with a long criminal record, who was released many times who was was assaulting and threatening to kill people.
A trans boy can assault a girl in the girl's bathroom and it is covered up and the only action is moving the boy to another school. During the same time period, a boy is suspended for wearing eye black on a dress up day and another is suspended and arrested for having an obviously toy gun.
A man who was trespassing on public property during a protest was arrested and has been in jail for two years. Earlier in the same year scores of protesters were allowed to trespass and destroy public and private property for months with no consequences. The same thing is happening on college campuses.
A man can overestimate the value of his property on a loan application and is prosecuted, which is unprecedented. The judge in the same trial can undervalue the same property by a factor of twenty on legal court documents with no consequences.
So you're right there are consequences for some people.
Well I think those "people" are doing a little more than protesting. They are threatening to murder people, claiming to be terrorists, and committing treason. And I love that the same people who got all bent over the protests in D.C. over the election are fine with it. Yeah, Kill 'em, Kill 'em all or at least stop paying off their student loans with my money.
Stonewall had good reason to say what he did about invaders looting houses and desecrating churches. People holding different opinions isn't the same.
Stonewall had good reason to say what he did about invaders looting houses and desecrating churches. People holding different opinions isn't the same.
I do appreciate your consistency. You are a staunch supporter of those seeking to defend their homes.

We don’t always agree on designations of Invader and Defender.

But you are tenacious in your defense of the right.
Why? Because she doesn't fit societal standards of womanly? There are big girls too. And muscular women. It's how they were made. Honestly, who cares? Why judge? I know that's not your heart Oda.
Was responding to the post of a person playing in the WNBA that was said to have an Adam’s apple and male voice. I deeply care about men taking over women’s sports opportunities. It is not only unfair, but it is also very brutal against women and girls to be beaten physically and competitively. Does your heart not care for them?
How dare this country tolerate free and protected speech!

He'd likely be arrested for theft which would be correct. Illegal actions have consequences
is it theft if they are planning to destroy it? well really in the act of destroying it?

is it stealing if you take something someone else has thrown away?

I am not super familiar with the incident, but my understanding is that these protesters illegally got on the field, and were burning the flag when he came over to take the flag. Not sure if it was a home game, or how they were burning it; but presumably the fire from burning the flag would have likely damaged the field, which would/could have had legal consequences, so it is stealing to stop/minimize a crime?
is it theft if they are planning to destroy it? well really in the act of destroying it?

is it stealing if you take something someone else has thrown away?

I am not super familiar with the incident, but my understanding is that these protesters illegally got on the field, and were burning the flag when he came over to take the flag. Not sure if it was a home game, or how they were burning it; but presumably the fire from burning the flag would have likely damaged the field, which would/could have had legal consequences, so it is stealing to stop/minimize a crime?
So if I plan to destroy something I own you now have the right to take it from me?

Also curious what justification there is to "stop a crime"? Is that what he claimed? Can we all do that without consequence?
So if I plan to destroy something I own you now have the right to take it from me?

Also curious what justification there is to "stop a crime"? Is that what he claimed? Can we all do that without consequence?
a right, or is it simply not illegal? here in America you don't have to have a right to do something for it to not be illegal.

plan to, or are in the process of destroying? I would say if you are in the act of destroying it, and I can take it without breaking a law, trespassing, assault, breaking & entering etc, I don't see how its a crime.

do you think we have to Michael Scott declare something to justify the stopping of a crime? would it have helped in your opinion if he had listed the statutes first that were being broken?

I think if the cops, fire department, or especially in this case security, could have done the same action without question it shouldn't be a question if him doing it is illegal. imo either of those other three groups could have done the same thing, no problem. that is part of why I brought up that I didn't know if it was home or away. If someone is burning something on/in my employers property in a manner that is going to damage private property, even to a small degree, I don't think I would face any punishment if I took action to stop that act. even if I am not specifically employed to handle that situation. In this case the act would have likely inhibited his ability to work; and their rights of protesting ended the moment they stepped on private property. especially non-violent acts. I might feel different if someone told me he punched the protesters or kicked them into the fire to take the flag away.

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