Wars, genocide, reparations, religion, etc (split from recruiting forum)

LBJ was many things. Weak wasn't one.

IMO one of the two most fascinating presidents of the 20th century.

*this is definitely getting kicked now as I attract mods on this stuff for whatever reason
I assumed she meant he had weak character in the post I replied to. I agree with you in the sense you use it, but that dude was a absolutely horrible horrible human being..I am pretty sure that is what ORB meant by "weak character"
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Kim jong il probably

Nobody wants to hear my opinion on Gaddafi 😂
Wow, just did some reading. I think it's probably Pol Pot, at least a far as murder count goes. He killed 36% of his population. The next closest is Hitler @ 21%. Mao killed the most, 20,000,000+, but had a much higher population, so he was at 8%.

Pol Pot killed 2.5m of 7m citizens
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I'd like to hear it
Go down a rabbit hole of Gaddafi and the Dinar. You’ll see all the good he did there plus why he was villainized and murdered by our government

As I’ve said previously, I love a good theory and never trust what the government is telling us is true. Because they’re telling us whatever makes them look better, not the actual truth
Go down a rabbit hole of Gaddafi and the Dinar. You’ll see all the good he did there plus why he was villainized and murdered by our government

As I’ve said previously, I love a good theory and never trust what the government is telling us is true. Because they’re telling us whatever makes them look better, not the actual truth
I've already been, just wondered what you thought. Libya was supposedly a good place for it's people. Free healthcare, free housing, no homeless, free college and stipend wage for everyone. . .
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Worst in all of history would likely be Kahn. He's thought to have killed more than Hitler and Stalin combined.
Mao killed 20,000,000. I think people get confused on the worst (not saying your are confused). I've seen the worst being listed by either the # they killed in some places and the % of their population they killed in other places. Pol Pot killed 36%, but only had a 7m pop. Mao was at 20m, but had over 100m.

I'll need to read about Khan, because I don't know much of his story.

Edit: didnt realize you where talking about Genghis Khan. . .
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Free utilities… it’s an interesting rabbit hole and it shows how dirty our overlords are
Everything I've read about him that seems like truth is that he had a great society set up. The oil money was equally shared and it was as close as I've heard to a country having a utopian society.

I used to know why people said he was bad at and why he was targeted as a ruthless dictator, but I honestly cant remember. I just remember wondering why he was overthrown when things were set up so well for the Libyan people.
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Everything I've read about him that seems like truth is that he had a great society set up. The oil money was equally shared and it was as close as I've heard to a country having a utopian society.

I used to know what people said he was bad at and why he was targeted as a ruthless dictator, but I honestly cant remember. I just remember wondering why he was overthrown when things were set up so well for the Libyan people.
The answer to your question is that last sentence of both paragraphs
Everything I've read about him that seems like truth is that he had a great society set up. The oil money was equally shared and it was as close as I've heard to a country having a utopian society.

I used to know what people said he was bad at and why he was targeted as a ruthless dictator, but I honestly cant remember. I just remember wondering why he was overthrown when things were set up so well for the Libyan people.
He challenged the petrodollar throughout Africa. He wasn't a good person by any means but there are a couple of things that get the us military moving and that's one
Mao killed 20,000,000. I think people get confused on the worst (not saying your are confused). I've seen the worst being listed by either the # they killed in some places and the % of their population they killed in other places. Pol Pot killed 36%, but only had a 7m pop. Mao was at 20m, but had over 100m.

I'll need too read about Khan, because I don't know much of his story.

Genghis Kahn wasn’t a brutal dictator, he was a conquer and in his conquests he killed a lot of people but he also (for the time) believed in and protected individual liberties.
I remember being hold how terrible he was. The more I learn, the more it seems like absolute propaganda.
It’s what our government does best. Blast propaganda to make their tirades seem like a good thing

Some interesting deep dives about WW1 and WW2 as well. That’s as big of a hint as I can give without royally pissing people off here
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Wow, just did some reading. I think it's probably Pol Pot, at least a far as murder count goes. He killed 36% of his population. The next closest is Hitler @ 21%. Mao killed the most, 20,000,000+, but had a much higher population, so he was at 8%.

Pol Pot killed 2.5m of 7m citizens
The KR was pure evil. Ever been to Tuol Sleng? It’s a dark and disturbing place.
I remember being hold how terrible he was. The more I learn, the more it seems like absolute propaganda.
He certainly had his bad side. Lockerbie and that disco in Berlin weren’t propaganda.
It’s something that we had let bygones be bygones on those, but soon after he said he wanted to stop USD oil sales he was dead.
He certainly had his bad side. Lockerbie and that disco in Berlin weren’t propaganda.
It’s something that we had let bygones be bygones on those, but soon after he said he wanted to stop USD oil sales he was dead.
And the fact that his country could now easily be used to funnel arms throughout the region. Maybe that was just a great bonus
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And the fact that his country could now easily be used to funnel arms throughout the region. Maybe that was just a great bonus
I think the gov does a great job of planning 20-30+ years in advance for these things they do
I just read that Mao was responsible for 76m deaths. . . nearly 4m more than what another list said.

This list also has Khan as #2 with 40m.

Not that it really matters, all these guys were likely just terrible dictators, but I wondered what the most accurate #s are? . .

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